ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #37 - Centralized System vs. You

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - part #37

ADSactly - Centralized System vs. You

Did you ever think about why we are living in smaller and smaller families with every following century? Why is this happening? From clans of 100+ people, we are down to parents and children who hardly see each other on daily basis. Huge oceans of singles are made to believe that being single is a matter of choice. Why modern centralized systems bring along the destruction of the family? Why would they want to break a strongly connected group to minimum members possible?


The answer is very simple. What government would be able to fully control clans of 100+ people, bound by blood, living and working together? Isn't it much easier to control the smallest possible form of a family? Isn't it also much easier to take the kids away, put them to school and separate them from parents as much as possible? We believe that it is also much easier to make them believe in questionable values and implant points of view that were never their own, nor their parent's. It is also important to remove the grandparents from the equation as quickly as possible because old generations tend to remember the past. We know that without knowing the history, one has a problem understanding the present, and therefore is completely oblivious to what the future might bring.


Isn't it convenient to brainwash both parents to work non-stop for a living and strip them off their time? So they have least possible time for building a community, even a family? Oh, yes sir, it is very convenient. "Divide and conquer" is the old Latin saying, perfectly describing the situation. If people are separated into smallest groups, made to work double shifts for essential needs and the absolute influence on children's "education" (read brainwashing) is established, then governing an ocean of submissive slaves is quite easy.


The ones speaking of "freedom and bravery", "democratic principles" and "equality" are often the hypocritical oligarchs poisoned by power and greed who cannot allow others to function according to own principles because they would lose their top shelve placement. They are deliberately stopping the frontlines of human awakening, pushing away the dawn of the new world and pissing on basic human rights day after day. That's no wonder, the new world, governed by decentralized systems is the worst nightmare of the ruling elites, religious instances and imperialistic corporate establishment. What is important to realize is that their centralized organizations only exist because people are too brainwashed to dare to say 'NO!' to their rules.


...and don't forget that "pawn sacrifice" is a well known strategy for achieving "the greater good". In chess, of course! ;-)

Try walking out of the scheme and you'll notice that economics won't allow it. One salary was enough for the entire family not so long ago and today, with two salaries, a family is still struggling. If one is brave enough to call nucleus of three or four people - a family. This is where a group of people comes in the game. People organizing themselves in large communities and societies and helping each other are the ones who refuse pre-set rules and are the ones leading the way back to the natural ways of human existence.


We suggest: don't sell your crypto out of fear they're creating in your mind. It might be worth much more than any of us could ever imagine. It might be much more than just money. It might be the way to real independence for you and your family!


If you are interested in joining the ADSactly society, please read the blog series on ADSactly from the beginning. Have all of your questions answered in advance.

ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 1 Open-Value Network / Co-opoly
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 2 Do-ocracy / Value Network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 3 Open Stewardship
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 5 The Value of Our Time
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 6 Cooperation and fair benefits
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 7 Support local production
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 8 Cooperation vs Competition
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 9 Sustainable Social Model
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 10 Blockchain Technology
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 11 Support for Decentralization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 12 The Importance of Bitcoin
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 13 ADSactly in Discord (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 14 ADSactly in Discord (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 15 ADSactly in Discord (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 16 ADSactly in Discord (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 17 ADSactly in Discord (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 18 ADSactly Clubs
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 19 ADSactly Tokens (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 20 ADSactly Tokens (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 21 ADSactly Tokens (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 22 ADSactly Tokens (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 23 ADSactly Tokens (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 24 ADSactly Tokens (6)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 25 Full Stack Startup
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 26 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. I
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 27 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. II
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 28 ADSactly Steemit Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 29 The Future Of Crypto
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 30 ADSactly on Globalization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 31 Blogging on Steemit
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 32 Social P2P network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 33 Projects in ADSactly Society
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 34 ADSactly - Medium Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 35 ADSactly - Environmental Protection
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 36 ADSactly - Sharing of Ideas


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good thinking man...

great Thinkings .. Keep it up

Interesting thoughts!

Postmodernism really connects to that way of thinking, and it might not look trivial at a first glance as postmodernism is about a total freedom to the individual and you might think it doesn't fit with the model of a family, but follow me people and we will analyze it:

Postmodernism claims that the individual have to be the maximum extent of freedom he desires , and allows a person to have his own direction in life. now - people do live in a family and even in a post-modernistic one, some principals are being kept - so the family members grow up in a certain way that has some principals and values - but they are also taught to have a free mind and to have critical thinking - when they are capable, they scrutinize the things they were taught and decide whether they want to hold to this principals out of their own free choice, quite often - they will decide to be a part of their family/group and keep at least some of the values they learned.

Now - this is an example related to the family structure, but it is applicable to larger structures, even to the structure of a society or a country - you do teach certain values, but there is a mega important value that is the basis of everything - having a freedom of mind and being critical.

as this point of view spreads and influences society - we can expect people to scrutinize the crypto world and ideas and see the wisdom we see in it - hopefully the critical view people will develop will allow them to see things without bias.

The thoughts that this post provokes are true. Society in the 'free' world has been trained through years of controlling our thoughts with messages that seem to promote a better future. We are still in 'clans' but they are designed to keep us oppressed. They separate us by classes. They separate us by races. They separate us by gender and religion and any number of ways to keep us at odds with each other. 'Free thinking' is a misnomer for most. Opinions are formed based on the barrage of information at the moment. The people in control know how to stay in control. That is why the innovative implications of the blockchain worries them. It has the potential to take power from them.
I believe in the power that cryptocurrency is instilling in people. It is the beginning of a new age in the history of man, just as the machine age was. Now the people in control have control of the machines. Which in turn gives them control of society. They can't control cryptocurrency, yet, and that scares the hell out of them. As I see it, that is why so many major companies are investing in blockchain technologies. They want to figure out how to use it to keep their position. We are, right now, at an advantageous point in our history where we have the upper hand because of that. It won't last if we don't 'rally the troops' so to speak and gain the support and voice to keep it that way.
Just my thoughts.

Great post!

I started playing chess when I was 7. I was at Grade I Level at that time. I just played it and no more. I knew the rules to play it, how to win, solve puzzles but no idea what it was compared to reality. Now, after reading this post, it made me think deeply and I remember one comment on Youtube that chess is a violent game. I don't know how to react on it. Maybe yes, because eating pieces on chess is like killing the opponent to win and protect the King at all times. Most 'pawn sacrifice' happens at the start and in the middle of the game. Knight, bishop or Queen sacrifice is possible very seldom during end games. In real life as if this would be the case but anything could happen. We just have to remember, the good always wins against the bad as what we're thought ever since. The question is, "How do we identify the good and the bad now a days?"

I don’t think the good always win !
Simply because we have been mis-taught and wrongly believed in the false imaginary wish that “life is fair” !
Actually it is not !
Just my opinion, and large scale notice ( not owning the truth though ) 😃

I miss something I guess.
In the end the good always win as what we're taught of.
Look at all the movies, stories, all the good wins. The bad are imprisoned or dead.
In real life, even if we win or loss, we have to choose to be good no mater what happen.

Yes! And a good thing for someone is bad for another person! Like you know defining the good and the bad is not always 100% clear !
The fish lives in salt water likes it and consider salty water as “Good” ... while the fish lives in sweet water has a different opinion about this salty environment ^^ 😉

Your fish example is not really a big deal or not that very bad.
For us humans, we know what's bad, small bad, little bad, big bad, really bad, bad of a problem. But it all depends on how we define or understand things and how we react on it according to reason base on our own conviction or disposition. Every person has his/her own capacity and ability that are different from each other. That is why as we all know, every person is unique.

It is beautifully written. I couldn’t agree more with our government brainwashing us. People started to open their eyes along with crypto creation. I love your quote saying “Isn't it convenient to brainwash both parents to work non-stop for a living and strip them off from their time?”
Decentralization is a revolution, we must belive in crypto, what else do we have and it’s amazing that it has just started.

Clan Steemit?? We are already have a banner and all

We live at a very very exciting time in history.
The revolution of decentralization is upon us. Cryptocurrencies and coin offerings, along with blockchain, are the enabling means for a new economy. They say it’s used for money laundering and criminal activity. But they don’t say it’s good for the people, that’s what they do, they are brainwashing us. Less than 20 years ago, most people would not have imagined that virtually all shopping would migrate online. But a real Internet 2.0 is finally here – a decentralized, peer-to-peer, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one economy, without the need for a central organizing authority.

But they don’t say it’s good for the people, that’s what they do, they are brainwashing us.

They might not say, they might try to censor all the internet, but they can't censor Steemit!!
We are the present and the future, they are the past, and they will soon be forgotten

You guys really hit Steemit with the heavy stuff. A lot of things a minnow would never dream of saying.
The only thing i disagree with is your portrayal of "government as a sentient entity" trying to brainwash us. Its not the government brainwashing us, its the pop culture. Government is just extremely adaptive and acting in order to sustain itself and survive taking advantage of the external effects on the individual.
How does the populace act and how can we in power take advantage of that.
Imo, media and various mainstream ideologies are more to blame then the government.
As i said, the government is just acting opportunisticaly exploiting the circumstances as it always did. During the roman times, fascism, communism, capitalism, etc. Made no difference.

indeed it is convenient for any government that people be obedient parts of the overall mechanism. Society is the main component of this mechanism. Many people realize this, but do not do anything.
From the most conscious childhood, we are imposed a template on which we must live and to which we should strive. Go to school, go to college (or university), then find a job, start a family, buy a car on credit and build a house. This is the standard by which most of the world's population lives. Someone lives worse, some better - it depends on your state.
But what are the states? separate pieces of land. I respect the culture of other people and their traditions. But I do not always understand blind patriotism when people are told that other people are enemies. (an exception can be called terrorism in all its manifestations - this is evil). But most often in the war ordinary people die, not officials.
The brainwashing of the population is mainly through the media. But on TV you can hear that crypto-currencies are evil and a financial pyramid. This is not true. There are exceptions that can be easily checked.
A real crypto currency is a step into the future and you must keep it for a long time. In the future, it will make you independent.
Good article

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