Ive chatted with the Admin of the ORIGINAL AdHive telegram group: https://t.me/adhivetv
The Admin told me they didnt had an Airdrop and they will never have an Airdrop!
If you dont belive in me go and check your self!
Site: https://adhive.tv
News channel @AdHiveNews
Korean Kakaotalk https://open.kakao.com/o/gBuE0XF
Chinese Weechat QR
Russian chat @adhivetv_ru
Peace stay tuned for non fake Airdrops!!
follow and resteem @harimbadl
You made an amazing content, We sould connect and support each other by follow each other. I already following you, please think about that. My apologize if I sent this post to you already.Thanks and greeting from @chanthasam
yup lets connect i follow you back :)
nice to meet!
Thanks for posting this. Unfortunately the top result in Google is for another Steemit article that states there is an airdrop. I did my own research and can confirm that Adhive has stated in their official channel they have not done and airdrop and have no plans to have one!