Howdy sir dandays! Very you had to quit because you wanted to be a scuba diver and you do that too often to be a smoker? You were light, a pack a day is nothin.
We smoked for about 20 years then Mrs. J. quit so I had to, I didn't want to but I knew it wouldn't work if I continued. I can still enjoy a cigarette now and then though, if I'm around someone who is smoking but you wouldn't take that chance I assume?
Now your biggest addiction is Steemit.
Lol! That’s no joke. I just began teaching myself how to stay away from Steemit—I had no idea I had such an issue. Things are getting better finally, I had to get a grip on myself.
This is our last week in UK, we’re off to Greece next, then a stop in Israel before we get over to Rome for Christmas.. that’s all we have in front of us for now. You know me, anti-plan.
My point is, I enjoy this platform and I really appreciate the fiends I’ve made. However, I’m a little heavy on the platform and light in reality, I’m working on that.
Congratulations on quitting to you guys! Yeah, ‘about’ a pack a day and I finally quit. Janton, Pura didn’t stop for about a year after me so I would see them, smell them, etc, God enjoy making me strong. 👍🏿 He’s the coolest dude in this conversation actually.
Nah, although I would like that head change, I haven’t puffed on a smoke for years now and there’s no way I can do it just once. I know myself too well.
It’s always a pleasure to hear from you Janton. I know both of us are really busy around here these days but I think about you all the time and wish nothing but the best to you and yours.
Thanks for coming here and dropping in on my articles. (can you tell I've been busy? That’s the part I’m working on)
Howdy again sir dandays! yes isn't it interesting that things make us think of people we've met here on steemit and we think about them often even if we aren't in contact! lol.
So I am the same way and if I haven't been to your blog in a while I start wondering where you are and what you guys are doing. It's an amazing connection. lol. I don't do that with many people on here. I guess I'm drawn to the crazy ones. lol.