Adam of Light = The Primordial Adam Kadmon?
"And before Adam of Light had withdrawn in the chaos, the authorities saw him and laughed at the prime parent because he had lied when he said, "It is I who am God. No one exists before me." When they came to him, they said, "Is this not the god who ruined our work?" He answered and said, "Yes. If you do not want him to be able to ruin our work, come let us create a man out of earth, according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being, to serve us; so that when he sees his likeness, he might become enamored of it."
"Now the first Adam, (Adam) of Light, is spirit-endowed and appeared on the first day. The second Adam is soul-endowed and appeared on the sixth day, which is called Aphrodite. The third Adam is a creature of the earth, that is, the man of the law, and he appeared on the eighth day [...] the tranquility of poverty, which is called "The Day of the Sun" (Sunday). And the progeny of the earthly Adam became numerous and was completed, and produced within itself every kind of scientific information of the soul-endowed Adam. But all were in ignorance."
"The Kabbalah teaches that GD created
the “Heavenly Human” or “Cosmic Human”
before the creation of humans on earth."
"Because this Adam is not an actual human being, but a primordial light-energy-pattern, the name Primordial Adam, or Light-Adam, or Man of Light, or Anthropos is used. The Primordial Adam is vast beyond comprehension and contains uncountable worlds of light. The Primordial Adam is dual and androgenous - that is, considered in terms of human biology, Primordial Adam is neither male nor female, but both."
"In KABBALAH, the “Heavenly Man,” as opposed to the terrestrial ADAM, representing the human race."