How to add an ad blocker on Android phones or iPhone IOS
What is the ads blocker :
It blocks all pop-up ads and pop-under ads and shows you the original content we add without annoying ads and works to increase the loading speed of the web page you are going to and prevents advertising companies from tracking you and maintains your privacy and also blocks video ads on YouTube, which become annoying to some because they appear constantly when watching video and prevent you from enjoying watching.
When you try to search for something on the Internet or watch a movie, you encounter the problem of pop-up ads and annoying ads, and this causes you an obstacle in watching your favorite content, or it is a problem in accessing what you want. Ad blockers are widely available on computers, but Android is limited and you also need applications Some have no idea about this and face the problem of pop-up ads and browsing tracking
Control all web traffic on your devices, block ads, trackers, and malicious domains. Make the Internet safe for everyone at home or at work.
Ad blocker features :
Speed up webpage loading
Show original content
Block pop-up and other advertisements
Prevent tracking by advertising companies
Protection from malicious websites
Prevent automatic app downloads
Block websites that contain viruses
Protect your privacy
Protect your children and family from harmful websites
dns ad blocker :
It is a unique ad blocker that does not require installing applications and works on Android and iPhone devices ، without installing anything.