Ending The Opioid Crisis With Cannabis : Tim's Story (concluded )

in #activism6 years ago (edited)

Hello to all of you Beautiful People! Happy Weedsday!
Today's article will conclude this story of how one man overcame his addiction to pharmaceutical pills. If you are just joining, please visit https://montrosestar.com/tims-story-breaking-the-cycle-of-opioid-addiction/ for previous two articles.

It was a cold slap in the face from reality when I saw what nothing looks like for the first time, a scary reality that I had never faced before and knew I needed to do something about it.  So, I started to utilize cannabis on a personal level, at first it was hard to tell if there was a difference, I couldn’t really be sure if it was helping, but I did notice that the amount of opiates I was using had dropped.  So unknowingly chalked it up to not having enough time to use because I was still stuck in the mindset of a user when really, I was out and about utilizing my time in different ways and I believe that was due to my body’s reaction to stimulation of my endocannabinoid system.
Eventually it became apparent that I was smoking instead of using opiates, so I thought to myself that there may be something to this and for the first time in about 3 years I remembered that I have mountains almost literally in my backyard.  A three-minute walk put you right into the mouth of a breathtaking canyon, looking at it and appreciating the magnitude and majesty through recovering eyes was indescribable!  From then on, I would hike into the canyon every morning and every night to a spot that I had found after several medicated walkabouts, that had a view for as far as the eye can see.  In roughly 2 weeks I had quickly gone from using opiates all day, to a peaceful hiking while at the same time getting into great shape. 
Shortly after I had found a new groove, I was offered an opportunity to move the DFW area to start over and build a new life. This has lead to the best opportunity I could ask for working directly in the cannabis industry.  Throughout what is now 7 years of sober living, I have been able to connect with my business partner and help start 2 companies. Hemp Helps , since its inception has always been dedicated to providing a safe place for people to tell their stories , learn about how to obtain this cannabis (CBD) and to help provide relief to those who need a healthier alternative solution to  serious problems that cannot be cured or helped adequately with pharmaceutical poisons. 
Through our partnerships we will be able to utilize technology that can analyze an individual patient’s DNA and help recommend a more directed option for relief, as well as offer much more information about other aspects of their system.  These things are tools to help us give you the best advice on how you can add CBD to your current regiment and promote relief based on testimonials from patients.  
The drive and desire to help others that are struggling and frustrated with the stigma of everything surrounding cannabis is why I still fight alongside of all of you.  A counselor I once met had an amazing response to a question I had asked.  I asked, “how do I know what to do next?”  His response was answered with an authority that was heard around the room, he said “The only thing you can do to repay your debt, is accept any extended hand seeking help!”  Solid advice…  
I want to take it a step further and pledge my dedication to be an instrument of any kind to help liberate people of the world from the grip of an apocalyptic problem.  The blatant theft of basic rights as an American makes me sick, I’m sure my grandfather and the countless honorable men and women who have suffered and died for the rights what we all used to enjoy would be so disappointed with what the greed of 1% has done to trillions of lies.

If this article has interested you enough to learn more , feel free to visit Tim's Facebook page for more information on how CBD can help you have a healthier life too.

Written by Rena McCain
Follow me at :
FB: Rena McCain
Twitter: @sassikatt24
Instagram: Ganja_grrl420

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