Salam, ay mənim actifit arkadaşlarım necəsiz? Payız gəldi, uçdu getdi quşlar, bax yenə yağdı yağışlar. Gün o gündür ki, ölkəmizə payız gəlir, hamınıza qan uduracam. Gedin yeyin, için, verin yatın.
Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 10293 tracked activity!
You also received an 4.66% upvote via @actifit account.
Congrats! You just reached the top level milestone via using Actifit fitness tracker and provided Proof of Activity!
You accordingly gained 100 Actifit tokens for attaining 10293 tracked activity!
You also received an 4.66% upvote via @actifit account.
You got a 21.46% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @tembelleralemi!