in #actifit5 years ago

In 1613 and 1615 the King of Aceh Sultan Iskandar young conquer the King of Johor and the King of Pahang.Twenty Three Thousand Johor people and Ten Thousand Pahang citizens including the Royal Family of Johor and the King of Pahang was taken to Aceh.
Aceh invaded Johor and Pahang for a reason want to be "educated" Sultan of Johor and Sultan of Pahang so don't deal with the Portuguese After the fall of Malacca, Aceh wants to take over place of Malacca and fight the Portuguese. The Sultan of Johor and the Sultan of Pahang stand alone free to deal with anyone including the country foreigners for economic affairs in Aceh, which has grown in numbers Islamic traders concentrate on Aceh making Aceh is rich and strong. And Aceh invaded not only Johor and Even Pahang and Kedah were attacked besides east coast of Sumatra. On the other side of Pahang besides Sultan Ahmad II, two people the son and daughter of Sultan Ahmad Il have been taken to Aceh.

The prince is called the Mughal King/ Husein King and the King of Princess Kamaliah Not sure where Princess Kamaliah was taken from Aceh either from Pahang or from Johor. WzWh believe it in 1613 Princess Kamaliah was taken from Johor because of to King Abdullah (Sultan Abdullah Maayat Shah) Princess Kamaliah was his wife The Johor side during the Battle of the Sawar in 1613 he was taken to Aceh as captive along with Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah IIl, Sultan of Johor-Riau, brother of Sultan, King Abdullah (Sultan Abdullah Maayat Shah) and royal family Johor and Two Thousand Three Hundred Johor people. The captives were treated kindly by the sultan Aceh even King Abdullah himself was married with Aceh sultan's sister Sultan Iskandar Young Crown of Nature named Ratna Jauhari At the end of 1613, King Abdullah was deported together with Twenty thousand Aceh troops and was given a sum of money by Sultan Iskandar Muda Crown of Nature to rebuild the city of Batu Sawar.

In 1614, Sultan Alauddin was allowed came home after he promised to help Aceh is against the Portuguese But most Johor people choose to settled in Aceh and was occupied by Aceh sultan in the colony named Samalanga including Tun Seri A male designated as "Uleebalang" or governor of Samalanga and nicknamed "Rich" Dato Treasurer of His Majesty Tun Seberang by Aceh and in Johor, he was called the "Dato ' Aceh.

According to tradition at that time, the government losing the war had to give up the spoils, taxes, and annual taxes. Includes handing over royal daughter to be married as a sign of subjection.The princess is usually married to the king for use strengthen relations with the government subjugated. Until the victorious kingdom becomes the bigger and stronger the effect.That's how the daughter of Pahang is known for its beautiful level and its language fine.That makes the marriage no longer on political grounds, because of Sultan Iskandar Young The Crown of Nature is really made to fall in love with the princess of Pahang.

Even the Sultan edited her as empress.The problem is Princess Kamaliah is married.How Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince can you marry Princess Kamaliah? Of course Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince can do anything because he is powerful and Aceh is the 5th Islamic State the world's strongest But why do you want to take a King's wife? Reason politics wants to strengthen Aceh's relationship with Johor and Pahang are ridiculous! Or King Abdullah is facing Sultan Iskandar Young The Crown Prince offers his wife knowing Sultan Iskandar The Young Crown of Nature is secretly interested and fell in love with Princess Kamaliah. By doing so King Abdullah can be quick was released back to Johor. So King Abdullah released King Kamaliah and after the demise of Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince Nature then married Princess Kamaliah And King Abdullah himself got married Sultan of Aceh, Sultan Iskandar Young Crown of Nature named Ratna Jauhari History says the Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince Nature because seeing Princess Kamaliah is always sad supposedly reminded of his hometown of Pahang has built Putroe Phang Park with Use it to make Princess Kamaliah look miniature mountain gorillas, Passionate Gardens, Doors Khop Gate, artificial river, fountain and complex pollen park It is not known whether the country is longing for it from Pahang or because of self-remembering to be the 'barter game' of King Abdullah and the Sultan Iskandar Young Crown of Nature Then become the Princess of Kamaliah the Queen of Aceh In the 17th century the Sultanate of Aceh below Sultan Iskandar Muda's leadership is having a hard time golden and includes one of the world's adida strengths especially in the Straits of Malacca. Behind the success of a man there is always one the woman behind the scenes. For Sultan Iskandar Young the woman behind the scenes is his queen called the Princess of Pahang in the language Aceh is better known as Putroe Phang.

Princess Kamaliah is famous for being smart and wise in deciding the issue the people of Aceh Since then, Princess Kamaliah is better known by the people of Aceh as Putroe Phang became reference in solving legal issues. Putroe Phang is very influential in it the administration and drafting of the law the kingdom was born with the motto: Custom tub Poeu Meureuhom Kuala Shiite law Qanun tub Putroe Phang Reusam tub Bentara Meaning: Customs of the Crown Prince of Marhum Law and Shia Kuala Qanun and Princess of Pahang Resam and Bent ('uleebalang') Customs are always welcome Meukoh's law is pure Adatjeutabarangho heels The law is still out of the ordinary Meaning: Customs can be cut like a mural
The law is like cutting a sock (hard bamboo tip) The law cannot be regulated at all (unless it is based on Quran and Hadith) Return to the Mughal King, the King of Husein treated by the Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince Nature as adopted, son-in-law and heir the throne of the kingdom of Aceh as Sultan Iskandar Thani Alauddin Mughayat Syah Ibni The late Sultan Ahmad Shah is the 13th Sultan of Aceh Brought to Aceh, he married a princess Sultan Iskandar Muda, later named Sri Queen Safiatuddin Taj ul-Alam. After Sultan Iskandar Young died in 1637, King Husein succeeded Sultan Iskandar Young as Sultan of Islamic Kingdom Aceh Darussalam under the name "Iskandar Tsani Alauddin Mughayat Syah, "Tsani" in Arabic meaning "two"
Just like Sultan Iskandar Young, Sultan Iskandar Tsani used his palace as a center Islamic studies. He is the protector of Sheikh Nuruddin al-Raniri, an Islamic scholar from Gujarat who came to Aceh in 1637. Sultan Iskandar Tsani could not continue the military success of his father-in-law. The truth is he was a powerful, capable ruler suppress the rich and try to decentralize power as it does by Sultan Iskandar Young.

However, because of time his reign is too short to make big changes. She passed away in 1641. Later, his wife Safiatuddin, was appointed the Queen of the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam After his departure, the Acehnese government began lost control and became weak. In 1613 and 1615 Aceh succeeded conquered Johor and Pahang.Twenty Thousand Three Hundred Johor People and Ten Thousand bucks including the royal family johor and barber were brought to ACEH, Aceh invaded Johor and Pahang for a reason want to be "educated" Sultan of Johor and Sultan of Pahang in order to do not deal with the Portuguese After the fall of Malacca, he wants to take it place of Melaka and against the Portuguese. The Sultan of Johor and the Sultan of Pahang are free to trade with any foreign country for business economy Aceh because the economy is growing so much Islamic merchants who focus on Acheh make Acheh is rich and strong. Therefore ACEH ATTACKS is not just popular and the silver is even silver and should be attacked otherwise the east coast of Sumatra.

In Pahang besides Sultan Ahmad II, two princes and the daughter of Sultan Ahmad Il, after being taken to aceh The prince is called the Mughal King or the Husein King Not convinced believe that in 1613 Princess Kamaliah was taken from the bar or Johor because at that time Kamaliah's daughter was wife of King Abdullah (Sultan Abdullah Maayat Shah) On the Johor side during the 1613th Stone War in the year 1613, he was taken to Aceh as a joint prisoner with Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah III, Sultan Johor-Riau, Adinda Sultan, King Abdullah (Sultan Abdullah Maayat Shah) and relatives of the Johor government as well as Twenty Thousand Three Hundred Johor people. Those who are arrested instead are treated well by sultans, even King Abdullah himself treated by ace sultan, young sultan of Iskandar from the crown of nature named Ratna Jauhari. At the end of 1613, King Abdullah was sent to home with Twenty Thousand Acehian soldiers and was given money by the Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince Nature to rebuild the city of Stone. On in 1614, Sultan Alauddin was allowed to return after he promised to help Aceh, fight back How Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince can you marry Princess Kamaliah? Of course young sultan Iskandar young crown nature can do anything because of the King strong and at that time Aceh was the strongest in the world number five Islamic government. But why do you want to take the king's wife? Political reasons want to establish a relationship with fame and nonsense! Or King Abdullah is facing Sultan Iskandar the young crown of nature offers you a wife because of you knew that Sultan Iskandar was the Crown Prince of Nature is in secret interested and in love with the daughter of kamaliah. By doing so King Abdullah can quickly released back to Johor. So King Abdullah released King Kamaliah and after the end of the sultan's crowning of the young crown nature and make Kamaliah's daughter And King Abdullah himself was blessed with sisters Sultan of Aceh, Sultan of Iskandar Young Crown of Nature named Ratna Jauhari History says Sultan Iskandar was the Crown Prince It's natural to see a daughter who is always sad thinking of his hometown in Pahang. finally has built the park of Putroe Phang with fireplace so the daughter of kamaliah heals for looking at small mountains, passionate parks, gates khop, homemade river, tears and complex pollen garden, It is not known if it misses the original or for remembering the things that have become trading games' King Abdullah and Sultan Iskandar Young Crown of Nature so she became the daughter of a queen of ace In the 17th century the kingdom of Aceh was under the leadership of the young Sultan Iskandar has golden time and is one of the world's adida strengths especially in the Straits of Malacca. Behind the success of a man is always there behind the scenes. For Sultan Iskandar Young, the woman behind the scenes is his queen is called the Princess of Pahang in Aceh is better known by its pronunciation Putroe Phang. Princess Kamaliah is known for being smart and wise in resolving the problems that people face, rascal
Since then, Kamaliah's daughter is better known by Aceh community as Putroe Phang has been a reference to a legal solution. Putroe Phang is very influential in it the administration and drafting of the law the kingdom was born with the motto: Custom tub Poeu Meureuhom Kuala Shiite law Qanun tub Putroe Phang Reusam tub Bentara Meaning: Customs of the Crown Prince of Marhum Law and Shia Kuala Qanun and Princess of Pahang Reserves and Attractions ('uleebalang) Customs are always welcome Meukoh's law is pure
Adat jeut barangkaho heels The law is still out of the ordinary Meaning: Customs can be cut like a mural The law is like cutting rods (bamboo ends loud) The law cannot be regulated at all (unless it is based on Quran and Hadith) Turn to the mughal king/Husein King treated by the Sultan Iskandar Young Crown Prince Nature as adopted, son-in-law and throne the kingdom of Aceh as Sultan Iskandar Shah II was the 13th Sultan Ahmad Shah II. Sultan 13th Aceh Brought to the barbarian, he married Sultan Iskandar's daughter Young, later named Sri Queen Safiatuddin Taj ul-Nature. After the young Sultan Iskandar died in 1637, King Husein replaced the Sultan Young Iskandar is a sultan of Islamic government ahceh Darussalam by the name of Iskandar Thani Alauddin lives in Shah. "Thani" in Arabic means "Two".

Just like the young Sultan Iskandar, the Sultan of Iskandar Thani used his palace as a center Islamic studies. He is a Shiite protector Nuruddin al-Raniri, an Islamic scholar from Gujarat who came to conquer in 1637. Sultan Iskandar Tsani could not continue the military success of his father-in-law. The truth is he was a powerful, capable ruler suppress the rich and try to decentralize power like that performed by Sultan Iskandar Young. However, because the government is too short to make big changes. She died in 1641. after his wife safiatuddin, was crowned Queen of the Kingdom of Acheh Darussalam. After his death, the government Aceh began to lose its influence and became weak.

author: @sultanaceh


Sultan Iskandarmuda is the best of the king super power Aceh.😚 😙, I have long read the history of Aceh about the glory of Sultan Iskandarmuda. when fighting for the people of Aceh which is just and sovereign. he is a wise sultan recognized by all the powers of his country including number five in the world. really this is an interesting story for us to read. 😁 😘 😍 💐 🌹

hello @ sultanaceh, I thank you for your post this time. wow? This is a very interesting story to read, moreover! while drinking a glass of coffee, accompanied by children and wife at home, which happens to be cloudy weather does not mean rain. Hehehe :)....
Oh, yes, is this about the story of the glory of Aceh under the leadership of Sultan Iskandarmuda in the past? I think you're replying to my comment. thank you my respect @ hs518055 😉

hello also @ hs518055 your comment is also very interesting. it seems you really like my post this time. thank you and hope you are entertained? :)

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