You are a great writer CrankyOldWoman ! I used to be a gamer myelf and it's a joy reading your experience testing it out. I played diablo 3 once myself also just to test it out what it was. It' was more fun than I expected even though I also did not really know what I was doing. I quie before getting too deep into it though.
Enjoy the end of the year !
If getting addicted is a concern, then definitely skip this one. It is so much fun though, and then there’s matt’s upcoming race in a couple of months, if you want to join in the fun. But I understand you’re working on you and may not want too much distractions. I’m going to keep a tight lid on this one myself. But I’m not a gamer addict. I’m one of those who plays until she is totally sick of it. I always run out of steam. Prior to kids, my husband and I would have the odd weekend where we stayed in and played games. So I do this in surges. I play hard for a bit, then take long breaks.
You have a great New Years too!