[2x SBI Giveaway] What is your perception of the banking system? How are you with your bank? ๐Ÿคช Actifit Report Card: marzo 25 2019

in #actifit โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)
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@amico, In my opinion Banking System push debt trap and i think that this system empowers elites and depress common public.

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Completely agree, mate!

I gift you one more Vandana Shiva's video, in which she exposes the madness of the money machine that governs the world.

Isn't she a warrior woman, who has been lovingly leading a truly revolutionary movement for forty years?

A huge hug

True. History is evident that people who speak truth world stand against them because truth always shakes comfort zone of people.

The banking system is corrupt and broken...nothing new, the only time Jesus got pissed was at the bankers.
I have proposed a new system: www.anewequationofexchange.info

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh yeah, I love โ€œthe expulsion of merchants from the templeโ€ and โ€œGive back to Caesar what is Caesar'sโ€: always very very current! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I tried to understand your formulas but I was too tired for understand... will try again.

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I am using the Celsius app now. Trying it because it is a crypto bank. With interest as high at 7.1 on stable coins. My bank pays me almost nothing to hold my money as do most banks in America. It is crazy that my little account on Celsius has earned like 5 dollars when my account with way more money will only earn like 15 in a year. Banks are cheating a lot of us.

Their motto (taken from their twitter page) sound really nice!


ASAP I'll read their White Paper: thanks for the tip!

I think the banking world need to get back to their core business and have a social supportive role again.

This generally means getting rid of toxic risky products, default credit swaps, etc.

And back with supporting the people with fair affordable housing loans (and only when they can sustain the payments),follow the ESG guidelines from the UN and thus make social responsible investments (SRI's).

I'm fairly content with mine but it could do far better.
But I'm glad they started a new SRI pension fund recently and I switched to that.

Is the truth that we are immersed in a culture (the religion of money) that has completely removed us from the natural abundance and gratuitousness for all the inhabitants of mother earth?

How good of you to help him with his banking problems.

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Well, it was simpler than expected: two phone calls to the call center were enough. We exposed the problem to a valid Albanian operator who gave us the solution to the problem.

The real solution would be to adopt "our own money", created "from the bottom", but my friend is skeptical and is convinced that central bankers are already controlling even the "decentralized" blockchains ... in fact, I have no certainties for deny this hypothesis. Or am I wrong?

Did you vote to the last year โ€œMoneta Interaโ€ Swiss referendum, @kus-knee?

What is your perception of the banking system? How are you with your bank?

Bunch of crooks lying to you and telling you that they are keeping your money safe when in fact they are using it to fill their pockets slowly by investing it, they get 100% of the revenue from investing your money and you have to pay them every year to keep the account open...

How am I with my bank? Last time they called I gave them a 1 rating from 1 to 10 in all the categories because they froze my transactions to coinbase... the best part is that my bank is one of the banks in bed with XRP lol

The only bank that I trust is my ledger nano S! Oh... and Steem Keychain xD

From "my" point of view, the banks do much worse.
For example, they create money out of nothing, they claim they are not owners, but they lend it to you by applying an interest.
If you do not return the money (which they have created almost without effort) earning it with your hard work and your life, they will take away real assets from you: isn't it really really weird, all this?

for me the banks are becoming more and more digital. It is very annoying to have to physically go into a bank branch. I'm okay, why, thank God, I do not have debts.

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Avoiding borrowing is very wise: well done, my dear young friend!
Computerized dematerialization is a phenomenon in continuous progress... interesting, isn't it?

yes, near here where I live there is already a shopping center where all stores accept bitcoin, I found it surprising

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I really don't know if it's good or bad... we'll see! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted using Partiko Android

Hmm, dear @amico! I personally never ever had any problems with my bank accounts, just lately my bank called me up to ask if I had made a financial transaction with my credit card, which looked very fishy to them. The bank stopped the money transfer right in time. And it were some criminals who somehow got my creditcard number. So, I got a new creditcard with a new number from my bank. So, I am very happy my bank reacted so fast.

The future of money transfer though will be the blockchain. No doubt about it.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Peter!
Let's see what will happen in the near future...

A huge hug

I think our current banking system is horrid. Many of the largest banks wildly mishandle money, and the loan system used essentially generates money that can never be repaid. It's more complex than that, but it's what it comes down to. I think banking should be a public service, and ran out of post offices. That way, everyone could have free access to financial services. I also think the government should be able to do interest free loans for citizens. They create the money anyways, and have the legal right to garnish wages, so it's not like they need to worry about getting repaid.

So, in general, I think banks are obsolete and harmful. At least the big ones. Smaller, responsibly ran banks and credit unions are alright. But very few are non-profit, and that bothers me. Just like for profit hospitals.

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Thanks for your comment, where you expose the truth!

What I am witnessing here in Italy, is the madness of a rule - included in our constitutional law - called "Pareggio di Bilancio", which makes it impossible to carry out works useful to the community in the absence of the budget, which is only mere numbers.

Over time, little by little, we have been led to believe that money is a commodity. Instead, it is mainly the unit of measurement of value and must be created (or destroyed) based on the amount of value to be measured, isn't it?

Non ho nessuna percezione... Purtroppo! ๐Ÿ˜…

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Della serie โ€œno money, no cryโ€? ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿค”

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ahahaha... Probabile! Non ho percezione nemmeno di questo... Io e i money non andiamo d'accordo, per me sono un mezzo di sopravvivenza! ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Ti capisco molto bene: io sogno un mondo SENZA soldi...
Lavoreremmo tutti di meno e saremmo molto piรน felici e non stressati.

Pensaci un po': qual'รจ la percentuale di lavoratori che sono occupati per l'indotto dell'esistenza dei soldi?

Per l'esistenza dei soldi.... Pochi... Per la loro circolazione...tanti ma non troppi! Almeno penso!

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  • La principale funzione degli enti pubblici รจ distribuire denaro.
  • Tutti gli impiegati in banche, assicurazioni, commercialisti, revisori dei conti, contabili, amministrativi, ecc. non producono NULLA di tangibile ed il loro sforzo รจ esclusivamente legato all'esistenza della "religione" del denaro.
  • Quanti saranno questi lavoratori?
  • Eliminando la cultura/paradigma del denaro, per passare a quella del donare e amare per il bene comune, tutti quei lavoratori verrebbero liberati da un lavoro assolutamente improduttivo e potrebbero avere una vita piรน piena e gioiosa?

Che ne pensi?

Non รจ facile rispondere! L'essere umano, oggi, รจ cosรฌ legato al denaro che slegarlo da logiche ad esso connesse lo porterebbe in un burnout mentale! Conosco tanti "ragionieri dell'anima" che mi vergogno anche solo della loro esistenza... Attaccati a 5 euro come fossero migliaia! L'educazione alla bellezza, al ritorno alle origini, ormai la vedo superata. Le nuove generazioni sono legate al tutto e subito ed il Dio denaro รจ il mezzo perfetto per ottenere il subito! Sicuramente quello che dici, in un mondo utopico, sarebbe la premessa per la felicitร ...ma si resta nell'ambito utopistico...continuo a vedere persone che antepongono l'interesse personale all'amore, all'affetto, all'alteritร !
Un abbraccio mi piacciono questi scambi intensi! ๐Ÿค—

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Sarร  anche utopistico ma sognare spesso dร  ottimi frutti.

Cerco di applicare l'esempio Gandhiano: sii tu il cambiamento che vuoi vedere nel mondo. Lo sento molto sensato.

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