How To Clear Your Acne In Less Than 10 Minutes

Generally acne comes down to one of 4 different things:
Skin Care Products
Gut Bacteria
I wish I had seen a video like this that had showed me how to set up this 4-week elimination challenge because these 4 things were some of my own biggest reasons for having acne. In less than 10 minutes you will have set up a 4-week plan that for a large majority of people, will expose at least one factor that is contributing to and aggravating their acne!
Food is almost always the cause for people who have long term recurring acne with lots of consistency and dairy is the biggest offender. That's why I made dairy week 1 of the challenge, that being said, after you complete this challenge if you want to go through and try eliminating other foods for a week to see the impact I would suggest soy, wheat gluten and alcohol/smoke as those are the most common things we ingest that cause acne other than dairy.
I hope this can help out my Team Acne brothers and sisters! If you enjoyed this video make sure to give it an upvote!
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i had a friend who suffered from eczema and it was really serious. he decided to go vegan and after several months a lot of it was gone. a little off topic but this post reminded me of him
Absolutely true stuff. I can vouch as I have a similar story myself. Read my introduction. I've battled with eczema since a child and the only thing that helped was taking a holistic approach to my health which in turn allowed me to HEAL my GUT. Great post!
THATS AWESOME! I downright think that will help most people but can't say that or most people will turn away. Glad to hear that for your friend!
I will try this
Glad to hear it!
I actually suffered with pretty bad acne sometimes severe through highschool. I used all kinds of cleansers, and even prescription ointments and even antibiotic pills. This was in my mid to late teens, even early twenties. The MAIN THING and people never believe me when I say this, that helped at least REDUCE the severity of my acne was to simply Stop Washing the living crap outta my face. To me, this seemed sooo counterintuitive. As I'm sure may are saying right now: Yeah right, My face will be oilier than ever!! This is crazy. BUT. For me, it was all the CRAP I was throwing on my face, I never gave it the chance to heal itself and cleanse itself with its natural ability to do so. I NEVER "wash" my face; i.e., use soap. MAyeb, a couple times a year. I just use.... Water!!! Yup. Plain old fashioned clean fresh water... Give it a try! What do you have to lose but "maybe" a few more pimples... *actually, it may get slightly worse before it gets better, as with most things that heal.
YES that's one of the biggest things is stop washing your face as if that will help by doing with more harsh chemicals and more repetition!
I should have to try this...
that fast, right?
Acne is one of the worst young people have ever experienced in this period, but I have an ointment on the ointment of Forver Living Prodect, which is the best medicine for the problem. Enter the company and you will know the details
that acne/pimple is seriously disturbing me. thanks for this article i now know the cause. i shall find solution to it hopefully it works for me
Thank you for this informative post, Well written and Really helpful for me
Or Hormones.
Diet is the catalyst in this case. Removing dairy / sweets should be the first step.
Is great, thanks for sharing the knowledge.