ACN Recruiting Secret Weapon!

in #acn6 years ago

Hi there my name is David Abram and recently I've been getting asked quite a bit by different people how it is that I'm able to build a team from zero to hundreds of people on my team and do so in a very short amount of time and so as I've been sharing this with people one on one right I decided to put this video together and let you guys in on on my strategy now in this video guys I am going to share with you the exact method that I use to literally bring in an average of two people every single day into my business and have these folks kind of chasing me down I'm going to show you exactly how this works I'm going to show you the method I'm going to do an over-the-shoulder training and show you exactly how I execute this method and I'm also going to share the tools that I use to make it a little easier on me okay so the only thing I ask in return for this information I'm about to give you is that if you find it valuable if you have an aha moment if it kind of makes sense to you just uh you know shared this amongst your team let them get the value in this video also and you know let me know that you know reply to this video you know find me on facebook friend me let me know what's going on and certainly I would appreciate that okay now before we get started I just want to make one thing perfectly clear and that is that ACN is an awesome company right ACN is awesome and the product suites are second to none right I mean whether you're you know home resident services right all the services for our homes and residents to everything for the businesses you know merchant services I mean everything is awesome that we offer here in ACN the challenge that I have found is how we are going about promoting not only all these great products but promoting the ACN business opportunity itself so you know if you're like me I've been in this a while and if you like me you know I listen to my upline and I built my list of all my friends by family everyone I know and then I contact them I share the business with them I share the products with them I get them to you know look at a business presentation or or take a look at some of the products and I found myself continually on the phone calling people on the phone following up with people on the phone you know you know did you watch everything are you ready to go doing three-way calls for my team you know doing the same thing for my team and helping them really do all this phone work and then I just started to realize you know I'm always on the phone and I'm teaching my team to always be on the phone and then when we run out of our warm list then we were faced with prospecting into the marketplace and bringing cold traffic or cold prospects and doing the same thing with them and you know if if you're like me guys I wasn't having the conversions I was chasing people around and I feel like I was that guy that you know people like oh my gosh here comes Dave you know and it was it was horrible guys it really was and I'm looking at ACN going but the company is killer the products are awesome other people are successful why can't I do this well then I started to educate myself guys on what we call marketing on how to promote an offer to a marketplace and then everything shifted and it shifted pretty darn quickly and I'm going to share with you exactly what that is now at the very end of this geyser so you know when we're done I got some awesome bonuses for you for hanging out with me could have a lot of content to cover so you know grab a pen grab a paper write some notes down at the very end I got some free free stuff free and I'm really excited to share it so with that in mind when I got you know my arms around some marketing strategies and realize the Internet is a platform that you can get your your message out to the masses I started to really you dealt myself into the Internet and this is what I found guys I'm going to pull up my pen here real quick this is what I found all right all right so when it comes to the internet right internet marketing and you want to think about your own habits right when it comes to the internet when people need stuff okay when someone is sitting in their home or in their office and they're going man I got a problem and I got to get some help all right I got to figure this thing out and let's say it's merchant services for example let's say man my merchant service but the rates are killing me my rep is not is not very nice I'm just I'm just over so if they need some merchant services they go to this thing called Google and they're going to type in here you know merchant services right or then type in credit card processing or are they going to type in sheep cheaper cheaper rates or whatever they type in here and when they hit this dis search this go right when they hit search then what it happens is results come up ok these results come up you know what I'm talking about and what ranks up in the results what you and I click on are some of the top results right we don't usually click on the paid advertising which is above above the organic right the paid and that's usually in in in yellow but what we're clicking on are these organic results and what ranks are 3 different things okay the first one that ranks is videos videos ranked very high in search engines the second thing that ranks are individual websites right websites rank very high in the search engine and the third thing that ranks high is what we call blogs and you might have heard of blogs the reason why blogs rank very high is because they're all based on what we call social interaction blogs are socially interactive and the relevant content so if there's a way if there is a way to incorporate a little book rather than it is way to incorporate all three of these techniques right videos websites and a blog into all three into one move into one piece of content that piece of content is going to rank very high so when we have someone in the moment for example searching whoops that's one in a moment searching for merchant services right do you think these guys are maybe buyers yeah totally okay and when they're searching for merchant services are they are they looking to spend money not usually what they want is just what you're using an internet for for information so if we can incorporate all three of these offer information to the people looking for and then position ourselves as the expert and our product or service as the go-to brand then these people that are searching for information are going to make it their idea to buy our stuff now this might seem a little bit crazy all this all this right in here is it's all crazy but let me just let me just exemplify this one one more times and clear this so if someone's looking for let's say you know let's say someone out here you know let's call him bill and let's say bill is in oh I don't know let's say he lives in the UK and let's say bill shows ACN to Sally all right now you are not involved in this bill spent his time showing the ACN to Sally now Sally is sitting there going hmm this looks good but I'm just a little puzzled so I have I got some questions I'm not going to ask bill because bill is just going to try to get me to buy and you know what's interested about people is we hate to be sold right we hate to be sold to don't we do you guys like to be sold to I mean most people hate to be sold but we love to buy in that interesting we love to buy but we hate being sold so let's stop selling let's let's let's offer value here's a truth for you guys your income okay write this down this is important stuff your income guys is directly proportionate to the amount of value you put out into the marketplace this is huge there's a huge aha moment when I it's when I really just really sunk in this is when my business went from you know just just barely making it to exploding because that began put value in the marketplace because people want value and they want to buy but they don't want to be sold okay so say this guy bill lives in the UK and and he's he's talking to he's talking to Sally here all about ACN and he's using you know basic you know the ACN business model he's telling them all about it come to our site you'll learn all about or join my team and Sal he's like well you know thanks Bill I'll get back to you right we've all heard that and then Sally says you know I've got questions I've got questions so she goes to this thing called blue bow okay and she types in oh I don't know maybe she types an ACN business right this is on and when she does ad she's gonna get a bunch of results and maybe one of the results is your post where you educate someone about ACN you educate them okay and then you have a subtle call to action now suddenly you did nothing to get Sally all crazy but you're putting value out there and Sally might just join your team who knows I've seen crazier things let me show you exactly what I mean here all right so we're on a Google search right here nope no Google search let's just this is let me play let's do both of those examples let me type in I just want to show you something really powerful let me type in Merchant Services let's just say um cheap right so this is like a person we just talked about and when we type it in I want to point something out to you guys that's super into this number here okay two million nine hundred and seventy thousand results okay this is 200 million Niners 70,000 people that are searching for cheap merchant services in the last 30 days all right now this right here is the paid force that we don't usually go there but look what's coming up here here we've got a blog interesting right here we have a merchant service account all right here's another blog 5gp so these are guys aren't are saying buy my stuff but they're saying hey five cheap payment processors that might help you and then and then you know they can have a call to action now look at this down here guys I want to show this to you lettuce search it search results related to merchants to cheap person service this is some lougle does it tells you what keywords are best alright so lowest merchant account rates cheapest merchant account rates in the UK cheap merchants eat works and fees so here's something interesting right cheap merchant fees cheaper merchant account rates so if we click on something like that then we can quickly see right here we have four million one hundred twenty thousand results alright and if we right value see here's a video these things rank you guys so if we put value out about cheap merchant rates and educate our audience about perhaps maybe the three to three different types of rate structures or what's best for your business and we just educate them then we instantly become part of the solution and we're sharing with them the information that they came to to to they came they're looking for we are congruent in what we're offering now just take a look at this guy's imagine that those two million people match that's a pie chart okay there's all the people searching for this keyword and this is you know let's just use around I would say this is two million people that are searching for cheaper rates right so say this whole thing represents two million people now what if there's a way guys for you to capture just a small section of this pie and what if we can get let's say oh I don't know twenty thousand people each and every month these are monthly right each and every month coming directly to you looking for information not only is that possible guys I'm going to show you exactly how it is that I do that exactly how I do and how you guys can do it too before we do that let's take a look at other one we're Todd well this is this was instrument it's kind of thought about that what if Ali right was talking to Bill maybe in a different country and saying likely I'm going to go to the internet and Google I'm going to type in let's say ACN i type in ACN business opportunity okay right here I'll check this out three hundred and forty eight thousand results okay and you can see here it's the company is coming up okay I've got a couple of videos here right and yo Yahoo Answers very interesting then you know search terms related to it ACN business operation home business ACN work from home ACN business opportunity video ACN business not between presentation so if someone's typing this stuff in you know they pretty much here we have sixty six thousand results almost sixty seven thousand results per every 30 days if so what's typing this in guy's chances are they already know about the business opportunities looking for more information so let me see how we leverage this stuff and again it's not we get people coming to us so let me say what a blog looks like okay this is one of my blogs here alright the mountain marketer alright I'm an online internet marketer I'm not representing any company here I am branding myself the mountain marketer I have a call to action says discover the simple formula that took them from broke with sixty three bucks in the bank to skiing the world my family I'm a skier I live in ski resort and this is a banner guy so if someone actually clicks this it goes to a a what we call a capture page got a video here that starts to play and it's congruent messaging and people actually opt-in here to learn more and what I'll teach these strategies to you a little bit later on but for now just realize that when I put out content right and my keyword here is how blogging works alright so again if I go back here and I type in I can't spell sometimes how blogging works you can see here fifty three million five hundred thousand people have searched this that's a pretty good keyword and so I decided to write an article about it he wrote an article about okay and you can see here's here's a video right and someone comes to the blog I it'll it'll start from beginning here and they just click on it okay and so it's a video that I shot as I was coming back from dropping my daughter off at school and we're working home dad I love it and I write an article here but looky here guys this is at the bottom here is what we call a call to action so I put in all this great content you know blogging creates instant relationships blogging is pretty much the you know so I basically educated them on everything that this video goes through and then right here I you know I have my phone numbers in contact me I have a picture which is also a link to join me click here to work with me right and I basically invite them to join me and buy some stuff for me at the bottom I don't say anything it's just kind of after weird thing a PS let me show you exactly how this works now I built this this blog right here to this ACN blog how cool is that now there's no post here so again I'm going to show you guys how we do this now this now this right here again all these banners are clickable right so if you click here I just have it going to the company page but you can have it go to your signup page you can have to go anywhere you want to your own personal fund like I just share with you all these are linked over again I have it writes it to the to the to the company page now if we go to arm to the company and one of the interesting things here guys is the company is blogging right here where it says news if they click on that this is relevant information right from the presentation company blog look at that right there so if we click on the ACN company blog here ACN our beloved company is using blogging to position themselves into the marketplace and yet they're telling us to use our friends and family all right I'm not gonna you know make any any judgment here but why not use the same methods that the company is using for themselves well the company wants us reps to continue branding the company and I'm telling you right now it's time to brand ourselves and reach out into the marketplace and drive traffic to us now check this out so let's say that working that we're going to do the opportunity right the ACN all right so we're going to look at this and we're going to go after you know these thirty forty thousand people with some content so what we do is we have our a blog right here and here's how we're going to do it so I'm going to show you exactly how this works so we're going to jump over here and let me login if I can go here all right okay so I'm going to log in to my blog right here the backend of my blog boom log in and start blogging it's the tool I use I use the empower network viral blogging system and it's as easy as one two three so here's that blogging I just we just looked at watch how easy this is I simply click this is this is for text blogging this is for an audience an ordered an audible blog if you want to put an mp3 in there this is a picture blog and this is a video blog what was really cool is if you just click the text blog you can do all three okay now watch this so let's say my title is but let's assume you see somebody how the ACN business opportunity really works now if I'm stumped for content why can scroll to my to our site write our part and I can click opportunity and hack this is some great content right here right it's why don't we just so let me just grab this content okay I'm going to copy that right here I'm going to go over to my blog which is over here and I'm just going to paste it right in by doing our control V and it pasted right in well that's pretty cool let's say we want to get a picture so let me go back to the blog okay this is a cool picture alright but it's not let me grab the picture so this is what I'm going to do I'm going to go over to here to Google store the Google search and I'm right up here it says images and I'm going to type in ACN say ACN images okay ACN images and boom so now we got all these cool images so let's just say you know this one looks pretty interesting right life without battery so let's just click on that and all I do guys I right click okay and I'm looking for copy image location copy image location I'm just going to copy that but no checks out and go back to my blog and let's just say I'm going to put a video up top so I'm going to put the picture right here okay so right there we'll fill this picture in and this guy right here I just click add media and make sure image is chosen in bed from URL is selected I could upload it from a computer if I want I can browse the image gallery that I've already got or I can do it from an embed URL and I just paste in that that image location that I got from from that last picture and I click Add media there's our picture fantastic alright now I want a video because videos really so right so I'm going to put that right up top here nice video and for this guy's I'm going to jump over to YouTube alright that's all we got here and I'm going to type in ACN comp plan for 2014 okay and I'm going to hit search for that and we got some interesting videos here for sure this one actually shows us a little bit it's different company so ACN compliment ACM founders this has got to be pretty good right I'm digging that so let's just click on that video and yep this is looking good love it so I'm going to pause that and right up here guys I just grabbed this URL really easy stuff I'm going to copy that which I'm back over to my power blog right here on my cursors blinking again hit hit add image or add media I choose media source so I'm going to click right here it's up video and again I'm gonna embed from URL on the video and so I'm just going to simply paste that URL from YouTube in and click Add media we go love it alright now here is our blog is pretty much done now here now here comes this the part that a lot of people don't remember I'll say y'all sign it I'll sign it like David Abraham then I'll say something like this PS something like that right but but you will begin to hone in your message so I'm saying you just tighten that up I say if you're having this way if you're considering joining ACN why not join with a top producer simply click OK simply click on any of the banners any of the banners on this site to get started alright so there's a call to action and then I simply click where I want to put this I'm going to put on my public blog alright I'm going to put it on my a CN blog okay let's use a category and we'll just out you can create new categories but it's only category I have here now check this out because this is a viral blog guys our SEO options are done for us this is usually a big deal for people to actually figure out how to do SEO but we have our mega our meta tag title is already done for us all of our keywords are already placed in there for us and our description this is a big deal guys all I got to do is click publish and we are golden right so now if I jump over to my ACN blog you can still say there's no post there but all I got to do is is refresh this blog and boom we're going to have the blog that we just did sitting right here how freaking cool is that okay and that's it so now when people come in and click this and then the video will start playing form okay and a picture right here and we can make this picture linkable which is what we want to do and how do we do that I'll jump back over to my blog where is that over here and right here where it says edit I click Edit and let's say I'm going to make it linkable just to our company aside I'll just copy that URL I'll jump back over here and I'm gonna scroll down to this picture okay I'm just going to highlight it and this little link thing short I light this little link things a link that's going to stick the URL in there boom I could put a title or join me you know whatever Tyler you on there I could open it in a new window or have a link right away so let's just let's just go to new window I'll shout out looks and I'll hit OK okay then like I do is go down here and hit update and that updated so I come over here and again i refresh it and boom we're refreshed nicely when I scroll that it kind of links that if I click it so you open it up in a new window and we go to the link that I did I that I put in there okay so that's it guys so now you can see that as you begin to to use this strategy guys and use the viral blogging platform you will quickly begin to attract people to you that will read your call-to-action click your links and join you now like I do here I have a lot of ways for people to join me by just clear on this pictures but everything is clickable and I'll teach you guys how to do this and it really starts getting effective everything is editable the pictures the banners the background right all of these tabs everything is editable let me see if I can jump in here and show you that there we go so right here see this is the background so if I click here I can change my background color I can change the title color all the colors sidebar hop and change the colors as text colors all of this stuff the SEO is a footer data all of these things are completely editable okay page customization alright I can add pages meaning these things where I can have these tabs these pages custom domain I can change name of the domain I can change the theme alright we have all of these different cool themes so all of this stuff is editable guys and it's pretty darn cool so the navigation bar right so see all these different navigations all right I can add subtract them I can create new ones save the changes everything is editable is what I'm trying to tell you now guys here is is there's the cool thing this is what I'm going to do for I'm going to show you guys how to get this this thing and how to get trained in how to do it now check this out when you scroll to the very bottom of this video that we're watching this page you're going to see this offer here ok and this offer guys I'm giving you guys some free bonuses all right now this blogging platform as you can see here is only 25 bucks right and when you click this button it's going to take you over to the blogging platform to order yours right away but what I'm going to do guys for you when you order your right now alright I'm gonna give you guys those banners for free all right those through those free custom banners right that's easily $185 value what am I talking about I'm talking about me close that back office down these banners right here I'm going to give this to you I'll actually put your name and your contact information on here I'm going to give you this banner to you and we can customize that with your name as well and I'm going to give this band to you down here as well so you're going to have all the banners ready to go you know right away so that is pretty darn cool let's take a look at what else we got here for you I'm also going to give you custom land page software guys with beautiful land pages you know those land pages off of my blog you know these are lab pages right here like when you click on any one of these banners right like this one here if you click on that it goes to this beautiful land page alright I'm going to give you the software that built these things with let me see if I can show image right here so you're going to get this easy land page software ok smooth and easy fast converting software you put your name and email or your login credentials in here and it comes in and these are the type of land pages really simple create your new ones look at the ones you have you have an archive of the ones that you've created already and so this software guys I have given to you absolutely free and again that right there is a $97 value I'm also going to get you into my live weekly training to help you build your business using this method plus many more methods alright so there is a a page here I don't have it up but I'm gonna see if I can grab that and I'll show you kind of what that looks like so here's the page every week every Monday night p.m. Pacific p.m. Eastern ok so we do a great training we have a lot of killer comments on our training and every week we do an hour training and I take your questions and really hone in these strategies and and I have another page of archives all the training I am giving that to you for free as well $97 value exclusive access to our team site with unlimited training and advanced internet marketing strategy guys this is pretty sweet let me see if I can pull that here we go so I'll teach you guys how to create your account and when you login we literally have you know marketing Center a training center so here we show you the different sales funnels webinars and just different different access access to a lot of different marketing that we have here like you know if I can jump on here I can show these guys it's just a quick little little glimpse these are different trainings different webinars that we've done and if I jump over here we teach you exactly how to set all this stuff up this is just a lot of great training so right here with your blog you're going to get access the different for this section right here which is going to show you you know a 10k daily mastermind every single day we meet and we teach you how to blog we have all these new you know mindset training core blogging series blogging secrets right how to get your unique domain so just really kind of stuff that you would have to search and scour the entire internet for you're going to get instant access to so I'm not going to go too much into the site but once we get together I'll teach you just really quickly how this all gets set up and lastly to get access to our Facebook training our Facebook fan group I consider this priceless and that is because when you take a look at what's going on in our community it is pretty crazy here it is right here our prosperity team mastermind and it is just a place where everyone gets together and we talk about what's happening you can ask other people we share our results this guy here you know not bad today it's got another course so right here 11 $125 in two days and guys this is what you're going to be able to achieve as well right here the six thousand nine hundred thirty-six comments on this one thread of qat and people are in there helping each other out so this is just an awesome awesome resource guys I cannot tell you how much I'm in here grabbing information asking my peers for tips and strategies and really pulling it off okay so that is the deal that is going to get all of that five hundred ninety seven dollars worth of free bonuses for twenty-five dollars and you get the blogging platform as well and so as soon as you click this button right here guys you are instantly going to come over so when you click that button guys you're going to come to a page like this alright it even has other bonuses that I didn't even talk about like the viral blogging system the a core money getting formula okay getting that as well for 297 so the easy access money getting blogging strategy in our community and a couple of bonuses you can read about it right here that is from empower network not necessary for myself but you can get the 500 $97 for the value just share with you plus all these empower network bonuses all you got to do guys is fill in your information right here okay choose a username put in your billing details and make sure that you see my name right here David Abraham prosperity make sure you see that you want to click to agree there your going to click through each of the terms and you want to click to agree to the terms of your service terms in your subscription and then click get access but then when that happens guys I will get an email and I will join welcomed on the team I will send you out an email how to set everything up and then what we're going to do is you and I are going to get together for a one-on-one 30 minute strategy session where we're going to build out your 90 day plan but let your 90 day plan using the blogging platform and using the exact goals you set for yourself in ACN I'm going to lay down there with you I'm going to lay everything out an exact 90 day plan using the blogging platform to build exactly the result that you achieve awesome right cause a lot of information thanks for sticking with me guys I know that was a long haul but with that guys click the link below get your blogging platform and then I will send you a link to my calendar so you can make a schedule point living so we can do your 90 day success plan and build that roadmap for you with that guys David abran reminding you to create a mission fueled by your intention and driven by your vision and you will separate yourself from the masses and create huge success in whatever it is you're looking to succeed that David Abraham looking forward to talking to you guys soon I'll see you on the next page bye for now you

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