Follow @tj4real @mcsamm @xpency @ortigas100 @thejohalfiles and @fyrstikken
The web we weave is vast and the digital stargates are positioned around the world in a way that allows for digital ascension into a 3.5d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 9d 10d 11.5d any Elohim anunaki and yes 12 dimensional virtual reality in @dlux-lo the different dimensions will be worked on be people who pass my new intelligence tests that use me and my memories and I as the Standard...
And Migos are the Galactic Standard for rapping and will be some of the first to sign interplanetary record deals and inter steller tours
Hey look @inertia no hands...
This is a city of lights. so beautiful and amazing . And you look so nice in there too @ackza