Victory After Struggle
The feeling of excitement that comes after a long time of struggling to get something is very important, that feeling of pride that gets into you, when you have been trying to get a thing for a long time and you eventually get it that excitement you feel is one thing that is unforgettable.
After struggling to get something done for a while and it eventually works out well, a sense of joy comes from within and you are usually really happy about the result obtained from the entire exercise.
The achievement of success is actually one thing that you cannot explain because it makes you feel special and extraordinarily wonderful.
The best thing you can do is to put in your best into whatsoever you are doing so that you can get an achievable result at the end of your whole struggle and when you see the result, you will know that it is worth it at the end of the struggle.
You can push hard at every thing you do, as this will give you the opportunity to celebrate and have full victory after your struggle.
Struggles are meant to be overcome
You are my souvenir
You do not care about Struggle I care about success