Butterfly species
Butterflies are one of the most admired animals of beauty. The variety of wing motifs makes the butterfly greatly admired. Some people even collect it in a preserved form. We Intelligent have summarized some interesting facts from butterflies that must be known to add our insight.
Most of us may already know if the butterfly undergoes a life cycle called metamorphosis. Each phase always produces a different form. Starting from the intangible phase of the egg, then hatch into a caterpillar and eat the leaves that are around it. After that the caterpillar will bear fruit so krisalid or what we often call a cocoon. Did we know that when the cocoon phase, butterfly candidate will fast for several weeks? Then when the time comes, the butterfly will break the skin of the cocoon and start learning to fly. During this phase the butterfly will search for a partner and eventually lay eggs and continue its metamorphosis cycle.
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