good night steemit .. being in steemit is very fun for me, all friends who share the story share experiences in everything can bring my personal know the world wide, before heading to my post tonight i want to thank all friends who are still faithful to be in steemit especially to friends of Aceh and the general throughout the world more and more increasingly more and more interesting posts to be able to see and this afternoon I got a picture that attracts a blend of unique orange animals with orange foliage as well take goodness from friends who love to see this picture
to take this picture I use a macro lens have a friend of mine @arjunmartavella I try to become a photographer to produce a picture of a good picture to look beautiful to be seen by all friends steemit friends who then make my posts quality but really very tired and tired my body to get good results in taking pictures using this macro lens because it takes skill and tranquility while taking photos and this is the result that I get from my business this afternoon hopefully I get a reward that makes me more excited for the future in each of my posts following
Awesome photo, kudos from me!
thanks my friend
Awesome photo, kudos from me!