Pesawat Muak Air Line ke DPRA

in #acehloensayang7 years ago


N219 Akan Lahir di Aceh?
Pesawat N219 berkapasitas 19 penumpang yang digerakkan dua mesin turboprop yang dirancang Dirgantara dan diproduksi Pratt and Whitney Aircraft of Canada Limited PT6A–42 dg power
engine 850 SHP. Pusat perakitannya di Jawa Barat dianggap tidak cocok lagi untuk dikembangkan dan perlu direlokasikan ke daerah, seperti Aceh.

Aceh dipilih se bagai alternatif pemindahan fasilitas manufacture dan assembly line sebagai bentuk kepercayaan pemerintah dan dunia industri tehnology tinggi di Indonesia.


Gubernur Aceh menangkap peluang ini krn pusat perakitan dan perawatan N219 ini dapat menampung sekitar 3000 tenaga kerja hi skill, keterampilan tinggi, yang akan diperioritaskan bagi anak-anak Aceh sendiri.

Biaya pendirian dan pembangunannya tanggung jawab pemerintah pusat, melalui mekanisme pembiayaan investasi non APBN, karena itu daerah-daerah lain pun berminat. Yg membuat Aceh dipilih karena dunia dirgantara Indonesia berawal dari Aceh, dekat laut (pelabuhan), test terbang aman dari pemukiman penduduk.

Bila peluang ini tidak kita manfaatkan secara optimal maka belum tentu ada kesempatan kedua, apalagi tawaran ketiga dan selanjutnya.


English Language

N219 Will Be Born in Aceh?

N219 aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers are driven two turboprop engines designed Dirgantara and manufactured Pratt and Whitney Aircraft of Canada Limited PT6A-42 dg power
engine 850 SHP. Its assembly center in West Java is considered unsuitable for development and needs to be relocated to areas such as Aceh.

Aceh was chosen as an alternative to the transfer of manufacture and assembly line facilities as a form of government and high technology industry trust in Indonesia.

The governor of Aceh seizes this opportunity because the N219 assembly and maintenance center can accommodate about 3,000 hi-skill, high skill workforces, which will be prioritized for the Acehnese children themselves.

The cost of establishment and construction of central government responsibility, through the mechanism of financing non-APBN investment, therefore other areas were interested. Making Aceh selected because the world of aerospace Indonesia originated from Aceh, near the sea (port), test flying safe from residential population.

If we do not take advantage of this opportunity optimally then there is not necessarily a second chance, let alone a third and subsequent bid.

Copas By : Medsos


I love planes but I hate to ride

why do you hate the plane ... ??

Well I guess I'm scared of heights...I'm terrified...And since the plane is so big and heavy ...I get scared that it might fall or something.... I'm frightened

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