Next Month, Ustaz Somad Will Give Tausiah in Aceh Tamiang, It's Some of Its Agendas
The famous Ustaz Abdul Somad is scheduled to come to Aceh Tamiang on March 8-9, 2018 in order to give tausiah to the grand tabligh.
Certainty is expressed Datok Kampung Durian, District Rantau, Nur Akmal accompanied by Chairman of the Committee Nurdin OK in one of the Caffe in the village, Friday (14/2/2018).
Datok Kampung Durian, Nur Akmal told, said the organizing committee of Tabligh Akbar has confirmed the presence of this famous ustaz to Aceh Tamiang on 8-9 March 2018.
The presence of young scholars from Riau province is to fill three da'wah agenda.
First, a great tablik in the ball field Durian Village, District Rantau on Thursday (08/03/2018) at 20:30 pm.
Secondly, on (9/3/2018) dawn prayers in congregation and filling lecture at dawn at Salman Mosque Alfarasi Tualang Cut, District Manyak Payed.
Third fill the tabligh akbar back at the Field of Office Complex Aceh Tamiang Regency at 08.00 WIB.
"Nowadays, the committee has been preparing various concessions to welcome this young cleric by coordinating with Aceh Tamiang Regency and Mosque's prosperity Agency (BKM) Salman Alfarasi," said Committee Chairman Nurdin OK.
The technical tabligh akbar, he said, lectures and frequently asked questions from ustaz Somad himself.
For citizens who want to inquire about the various problems people are welcome to submit their questions to email: [email protected] or via WA 085270953757 which will be forwarded to Ustaz Abdul Samad no later than received on 1 March 2018.
"Tabligh akbar this we also make the main moment to raise donation infak from the Muslims for the construction of Miftahul Jannah Mosque Kampong Durian itself is currently in the process of development," said Nurdin.
This activity is fully supported by Tamiang regency, Bank Aceh Syariah branch of Kualasimpang, and a number of local businessmen such as PT Via Nanda Bersaudara, Pearl Resident, PT Metro Jaya Perkasa, Pelangi Beton, Tina Caffee, Rumah Zakat, Dekoratian.
sumber : serambinews