KEK Arun Lhokseumawe can already operate

in #acehloensayang7 years ago

Penandatanganan MoU KEK Arun Lhokseumawe.jpg

Jakarta - Special Economic Zone (KEK) Arun Lhokseumawe is able to operate after the signing of MoU Cooperation of Operational Activities of State Property, between State Asset Management Agency (LMAN) with PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh as Business Entity Management and Builder KEK Arun in Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs RI building in Jakarta, Monday 12 February 2018.

The signing of the cooperation was witnessed by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution, Aceh Governor Irwandi Yusuf, North Aceh Bupati Muhammad M Thaib, and several ministry officials.

Also attending the event was a consortium of state-owned enterprises in KEK Arun, a number of investors, the Head of Public Relations and Protocol Bureau of Aceh, Mulyadi Nurdin, and Head of the One Stop Service of Aceh Iskandar.

In the event was also accompanied by the signing of investment cooperation between SOEs Consortium Owners of shares in KEK Arun with a number of companies.

As an investment partnership between PT Pelindo I and PT Aceh Makmur Bersama which includes CPO processing, PT Sinergi Tangguh Alam Raya in plywood business, PT Eas Kontinent Gas Indonesia in LPG Pressurized business and LPG Bootling Factory, and PT Prosperity Building Material in logistics cement bagging.

Meanwhile, the Governor in his speech before the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia hopes that this agreement will be a good start in supporting the acceleration of realization of Arun-Lhokseumawe KEK development.

"In accordance with Government Regulation No. 5 of 2017 on KEK Arun Lhokseumawe, there are 5 investment priorities that will be developed in the region, namely the processing of oil, gas and energy exports, Petrochemicals, Logistics and ports, processing industry (agro industry) field of paper industry, "said the Governor.

In line with that objective, the Governor has done a number of steps, among which coordinate synchronization and harmonization with various parties so that now has been formed Administrator KEK Arun Lhokseumawe which also has gained the authority of the provincial government, the City Government of Lhokseumawe and the Government District of North Aceh in the field of licensing.

The authority of BKPM and the Ministry of Trade to the Administrator of KEK Arun - Lhokseumawe will be delegated by the end of February 2018.

"Then, four institutions as a consortium managing KEK Arun Lhokseumawe, namely PT. PIM, PT. Pertamina, PT. Pelindo I and PDPA have established the KEK Enterprise Management and Builder (BUPP), in which PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh as the builder and manager. The company has been officially based in the ex area. Arun Refinery, "said the Governor.

In addition, the Governor also said the status of the land in the area of ​​KEK Arun all have been certified.

"The total area of ​​KEK Arun lhokseumawe covering 2,622.48 Ha, including 906.32 Ha of vacant land, consists of PT. Arun area of ​​540 ha, owned by PT.Pertamina / Humpus Aromat area of ​​81 ha, PT. Pelindo I of 17.82 ha, PT. PIM area of ​​126.5 ha, PT. AAF of 91 ha and PT. KKA area of ​​50 Ha. "He explained.

The governor also said the former land of PT. Arun managed by LMAN has received approval to be included in the area of ​​KEK Arun-Lhokseumawe by letter of the Minister of Finance Number s-283 / MK.06 / 2016, and Letter of Director of LMAN Number S-297 / LMAN / 2016.

In addition, the Governor hopes to implement a number of provisions related KEK Arun. Among other things, all land and assets should be submitted to BUPP which is managed by PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh, so that Investor as Tenant directly related one roof with BUPP.

"Also need acceleration Equity participation of PT. Pertamina and PT. Pelindo I to BUPP so that this institution can move faster, "said the Governor.

The Governor also said that more detailed socialization by the Ministry of Finance on Government Regulation No. 96 of 2015 on Facilities and incentives in KEK is required, and the special attention of the Minister of National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas and the Minister of Finance on Infrastructure Development outside the SEZ area is the responsibility Government, ranging from airports, national roads and other infrastructure facilities.

"With the signing of the MoU between LMAN and PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh, the operation of Arun-Lhokseumawe KEK is already running. Thus, in the second half of 2018, it is hoped that the ground breaking of projects in KEK Arun Lhokseumawe can be inaugurated by the President, "concluded the Governor of Aceh. Alhamdulillah very extraordinary performance Pak Irwandi Yusuf as governor of Aceh who always think about the welfare of the people of North Aceh and lhokseumwe want mensejahtrakn with KEK Arun hope the future aceh more advanced ya ya ya rabbal alamiin hopefully pack our gub always healthy in the shelter of God.

Bahasa Indonesia :

KEK Arun Lhokseumawe Sudah Dapat Beroperasi

Jakarta – Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Arun Lhokseumawe sudah dapat beroperasi pasca penandatanganan MoU Kerjasama kegiatan Operasional Barang Milik Negara, antara Lembaga Managemen Aset Negara (LMAN) dengan PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh selaku Badan Usaha Pengelola dan Pembangun KEK Arun di gedung Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian RI di Jakarta, Senin 12 Februari 2018.

Penandatanganan kerjasama tersebut disaksikan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian RI Darmin Nasution, Gubernur Aceh Irwandi Yusuf, Bupati Aceh Utara Muhammad M Thaib, serta sejumlah pejabat beberapa kementerian.

Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut, konsorsium BUMN pemilik saham pada KEK Arun, sejumlah investor, Kepala Biro Humas dan Protokol Pemerintah Aceh, Mulyadi Nurdin, serta Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Aceh, Iskandar.

Dalam acara tersebut juga disertai dengan penandatanganan kerjasama investasi antara Konsorsium BUMN Pemilik saham dalam KEK Arun dengan sejumlah perusahaan.

Seperti kerjasama investasi PT Pelindo I dengan PT Aceh Makmur Bersama yang meliputi bidang pengolahan CPO, PT Sinergi Tangguh Alam Raya di bidang usaha plywood, PT Eas Kontinent Gas Indonesia di bidang usaha LPG Pressurized dan Pabrik Bootling LPG, dan PT Prosperity Building Material di bidang logistik pengantongan semen.

Sementara itu, Gubernur dalam sambutannya di hadapan Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian RI berharap, kesepakatan ini menjadi awal yang baik dalam mendukung percepatan realisasi pengembangan KEK Arun-Lhokseumawe.

“Sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 5 Tahun 2017 tentang KEK Arun Lhokseumawe, ada 5 prioritas investasi yang akan dikembangkan di kawasan tersebut, yaitu bidang pengolahan ekspor minyak, Gas dan energi, bidang Petrokimia, bidang Logistik dan pelabuhan, bidang industri pengolahan (agro industri) serta bidang Industri kertas,” ujar Gubernur.

Sejalan dengan tujuan itu, lanjut Gubernur, pihaknya telah melakukan sejumlah langkah langkah-langkah, di antaranya melakukan koordinasi sinkronisasi dan harmonisasi dengan berbagai pihak sehingga kini telah terbentuk Administrator KEK Arun Lhokseumawe yang juga telah mendapat limpahan kewewenangan dari Pemerintah Provinsi, Pemerintah Kota Lhokseumawe dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Utara di bidang perizinan.

Adapun kewenangan dari BKPM dan Kementerian Perdagangan kepada Administrator KEK Arun – Lhokseumawe ini akan dilimpahkan paling lambat akhir Februari 2018.

“Kemudian, empat lembaga selaku konsorsium pengelola KEK Arun Lhokseumawe, yaitu PT. PIM, PT. Pertamina, PT. Pelindo I dan PDPA telah membentuk Badan Usaha Pengelola dan Pembangun (BUPP) KEK, di mana PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh selaku pembangun dan pengelola. Perusahaan ini telah resmi berkantor di kawasan eks. Kilang Arun,” ujar Gubernur.

Selain itu, Gubernur juga mengatakan status lahan di lokasi kawasan KEK Arun semuanya telah tersertifikasi.

“Total lahan KEK Arun lhokseumawe seluas 2.622,48 Ha, termasuk 906,32 Ha lahan kosong, terdiri dari milik PT. Arun seluas 540 ha, milik PT.Pertamina/ Humpus Aromatik seluas 81 ha, PT. Pelindo I seluas 17,82 ha, PT. PIM seluas 126,5 ha, PT. AAF seluas 91 ha dan PT. KKA seluas 50 Ha.” jelasnya.

Gubernur juga mengatakan, lahan eks PT. Arun yang dikelola LMAN telah mendapatkan persetujuan untuk dimasukkan dalam areal KEK Arun-Lhokseumawe melalui surat Menteri Keuangan Nomor s-283/MK.06/2016, dan Surat Direktur LMAN Nomor S-297/LMAN/2016.

Selain itu, Gubernur berharap dilaksanakan sejumlah ketentuan terkait KEK Arun. Di antaranya, semua lahan dan aset sebaiknya diserahkan kerjasamanya pada BUPP yang dikelola oleh PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh, sehingga Investor sebagai tenant langsung berhubungan satu atap dengan BUPP.

“Juga perlu percepatan Penyertaan modal PT. Pertamina dan PT. Pelindo I kepada BUPP agar lembaga ini dapat bergerak lebih cepat,” kata Gubernur.

Gubernur juga mengatakan, diperlukan sosialisasi lebih detail oleh Kementerian Keuangan tentang Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 96 tahun 2015 tentang Fasilitas dan insentif di KEK, serta perlu adanya perhatian khusus Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Bappenas dan Menteri Keuangan tentang Pembangunan Infrastruktur di luar kawasan KEK yang merupakan tanggungjawab Pemerintah, mulai dari bandara, jalan nasional dan fasilitas infrastruktur lainnya.

“Dengan ditandatanganinya MoU antara LMAN dengan PT. Patriot Nusantara Aceh, maka operasional KEK Arun-Lhokseumawe sudah dapat berjalan. Dengan demikian pada semester II tahun tahun 2018 diharapkan ground breaking proyek-proyek di KEK Arun Lhokseumawe sudah dapat diresmikan oleh Bapak Presiden.” pungkas Gubernur Aceh. Alhamdulillah sungguh sangat luar biasa kinerja pak Irwandi Yusuf sebagai gubernur aceh yg selalu memikirkan kesejahtraan rakyat aceh utara dan lhokseumwe ingin mensejahtrakn dgan KEK Arun semoga kedepan aceh lebih maju lagi ya Allah ya rabbal alamiiin semoga pak gub kita selalu sehat dalam lindungan Allah Swt.

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