aceh rich aceh have story
Aceh province darussalam a very small area only 23 districts and cities 1.the district of West Aceh 2. southwest aceh district 3. great Aceh province 4.the regency of Aceh 5. south aceh district 6.the district of Aceh singkil 7.the district of Aceh 8.the district of Aceh aceh 9.the district of southeast aceh 10.the district of east aceh 11.the district of North Aceh 12. District bener festive 13. Aceh aceh district 14. gayo district lues 15.nagan regency 16.pidie district 17. Pidie Jaya District 18. simeulue district 19.kota banda aceh 20.local city 21.kota lhokseumawe 22.kota sabang 23.kota subulussalam that is the list of towns and districts of Aceh province aceh speaks we can not deny the first is the mosque baiturrahman highway, mosque baiturrahman is typical aceh and place of worship to god and many of the tourists who visit baiturrahman mosque 
and in aceh too many heroes who in the memory of his name all the time between his malahayati cut mutia and cut nyak dhien and cuthi dhien home in so it's a tourist spot today and it is a heritage of our heroes 
aceh a very small area but has the highest value in the eyes of the world because a lot of customs and culture aceh and abundant produce
Aceh has beautiful traditional clothing
and in aceh there is a place to be in the search for gold which is liked by @goldmatters and gold in aceh wajid goods at the time of proposing a woman because noble gold noble woman
and in Aceh there is also a place where the mining of soil oil is so much that in the lyrics by state officials and abroad
in aceh vast palm plantations
rubber garden is very much in aceh
The vast forest in aceh
aceh aceh is very wide
aceh rich earth
aceh where i was born right
i love aceh
aceh many assets so Indonesia does not want to take off aceh and allowed aceh independence and stand by itself because aceh is their asset in aceh a lot of crops
Post Yang sangat bagus.
Iya makasih @anuekpase atas pujian nya
Terima kasih anda telah bergabung dengan kami(community STEEMIT aceh . Indonesia).
Nikmatilah upvote cumu2 dari kami..
Bagaimana langkah saya selanjut nya?
Jejak bek duduk.ha..ha..(canda)
hahaha.. Maksud saya harus bagaimna lgi
Tania harus membuat suatu postingan yang menarik.biar banyak folower yang suka dan banyak upvote..
Oke,,saran yang sangat bagus
salam persahabatan
Terima kasih atas semuanya.ttd @anuekpasee
Kami sangat mengharapkan anda selalu di STEEMIT.
@anuekpasee sangat luar biasa mantap sekali..