Party literature
"Party Literature" (Pesta Sastra)
Coinciding on Wednesdays and Thursdays Himasa held a drama final by presenting an extraordinary event called "Literary Feast", by a supervising lecturer
Abu Rahmat, Mr. Rahmat Syah S.Pd.
And the Head of our Study Program is very unusual wise and always encourage all the activities that we do, namely Mr. Syahriandi S.Pd., M.Pd.
And accompanied by the father of the Dean FKIP Unimal namely Mr. Safriwardi ST, MT.
Literary Party, a highly anticipated event, and for the first time held at the University of Malikussaleh with the name of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Language and Literature of Indonesia. And Alhamdulillah this event was opened by the father of his own rector, namely Prof. Dr. Apridar S.E., M.Si.
The staged is the drama and the fiction movie
There is also a photo exhibition
A little excerpt of our invited guests🤙🏻👏
Here's a screenshot of the committee behind the scenes😂
And Alhamdulillah not yet dissolved the second night of literary party has been the news in five media
That's a glimpse of a literary feast. Greetings from us the literary child of Himasa
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