in #aceh7 years ago

Darussalam Center in Syiah Kuala Sub-district in Banda Aceh stands a monument to the establishment of KOPELMA (Kota Pelajar Mahasiswa). Above a vast land. Called Monument Square. As we know the function and benefits of a field is as a means of sports. But the benefits of the monument field more than that is one of them is a means of education, and the place organizes various events related to the University. For example exhibition events, ceremonies, and various other activities related open space event. This device lies in the middle as well as the icon as well so that its utilization can be maximized.

These land borders, the northern part of which is limited by the dentistry building, south of the boundary of the library building, the unsyiah bureau, and AAC Dayan Dawood building. In the East is limited to housing lecturer Unsyiah and on the left is limited by IAIN post-graduate building. Area of ​​± 4 hectare field. Surrounded by spruce trees planted regularly ± 10 meters. Existing site in the form of grassland. There is already a water channel around it, so when it rains, the land is not waterlogged. The field is also bounded around the road and at the northern corner there is a small Mushala

Now the monument field is used by students not only as a lecture venue but where they gather and chatting. In the east now stands people who sell food from mieso, rujak, ice mix, coconut ice and so forth. Students who want to freshen up after tired of wrestling in lectures then prefer this place to unwind.

In the history of Aceh, the Tugu field is a symbol that binds 3 educational objects namely secular education (Syiah kuala University), non secular education (IAIN-Ar Raniry), and Pesantren education (dayah Pante Kulu). But over the time Pante Kulu increasingly degenerate and no longer known. Now 2 big names of universities are Unsyiah and IAIN Ar-raniry.

According to the official website, the history of the establishment of Syiah Kuala University, is a manifestation of the desire of the people of Aceh to have a state institution of higher education, as it once existed and developed in the past. During the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda, the Kingdom of Aceh has become a center of renowned science development. Students and faculty come from all over the world, such as the Turkish, Iranian and Indian sultanates. Syiah Kuala, named after the state college in Serambi Mecca, is a prominent archipelago named Tengku Abdur Rauf As Singkili in the sixteenth century, well known in both law and religious sciences. In 1957, the beginning of Aceh Province was formed, the leaders of the Aceh government, among others by Governor Ali Hasjmy, Lieutenant of War Lieutenant Colonel H. Syamaun Ghaharu and Major T. Hamzah Treasurer and supported by rulers, scholars, clerics and other politicians have agreed to lay the foundation for Aceh's educational development. On April 21, 1958, Yayasan Dana Kesejahteraan Aceh (YDKA) was formed with the aim of establishing development in the spiritual and physical fields to bring prosperity and happiness to the community. YDKA was initially led by Regent M. Husen, Head of General Government at the Governor's Office at that time, which was then led by Governor Ali Hasjmy. YDKA develops programs such as:

a. Establish student settlements in the provincial capital and each district city within the territory of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

b. Ensuring the establishment of a university for the region of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.

From that history has proved that the determination has made a dream come true, and this fact has been immortalized in strokes on Tugu Darussalam through the handwriting of a state leader. From then on, all components of the people of Aceh participate in devoting mind and energy and working hand in hand in building Darussalam so that the establishment of Syiah Kuala University and IAIN Ar-Raniry. The police, the army, the employees, the school children, the people around the village of Darussalam, participated together in sincerity to establish and contribute to the development of Darussalam, which is seen as the "Heart of the Acehnese People's Heart." (FR)


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