in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


Aceh adalah wilayah peradaban yg paling sering berhenti karna ulah para pengkhianat mauoun para agresor laknat.dimulai dng kefatangan portugis.Voc .Amerika hingga belanda.jepang orde lama dan orde baru.Aceh pun memiliki gerak peradaban untuk melawan agresor penindas dan kesewenang wenangan.semangat jihat bangsa aceh tdk pernah padam.perang melawan belanda yg dimukai sejak 6 april 1873 sampai 1914.menurut data Belabda sendiri telah menimbulkan korban di fihak belanda sebanyak 37.500 serdadu dan fihak Aceh kurang 100000 orang tewas di kedua belah fihak.ditambah dengan korban lula luka berjumlah 5000 lebih.

empat jendral dan puluhan perwira tinggi Belanda tewas di tangan pejuang bangsa Aceh.kematian kohler pada tanggal 14 april 1873 di tangan sniper Aceh teuku nyak raja imum leung bata adalah paling fenomenal.dengan kematian kohler tersebut.semangat tempur bangsa Aceh semakin meninggi.belanda sudah kehilangan muka pada pendaratan pertama pada tanggal 8 april 1973.kematian kohler membuat belanda menarik kembali van heustz yg sdh pensiun agar aktif kembali.kisah perang aceh belanda pun kembali bergelora.dlm episode syae panyang perang aceh.

bayangkan kemudian.kehadiran serdadu indonesia semasa dom tahun 1989 sampai 1998 yg hanya 9 tahun saja sudah memakan korban sekitar 30000 orang tewas.betapa kebiadaban yg dilakukan oleh belanda selama 41 tahun hanya menghabisi 70000 jiwa.bagaimana jika fihak indonesia memperpanjang masa dom hingga 41 tahun?berapa kira kira orang Aceh yg akan mati? kekejaman terhadap orang Aceh begitu sangat primitif.sedangkan perlawanan yg di betikan oleh orang Aceh masih sama sot masa perang Aceh Belanda dimasa yg lalu.hanya dengan apa disebut sebagai pemberontakan primitif.

Dalam perang terlama dan terdasyat ini.kedua belah fihak telah sama sama menampilkan prajurit prajurit nya yg tangguh dan gagah berani berjuang atas keyakinan masing masing. semangat juang mareka tercatat sepanjang masa dlm sejarah perperangan Aceh pernah Belanda melakukan perang yg lebih besar dari pada Perang Aceh.begitupun dengan indonesia.

pramudya ananta toer pernah menulus dan mengambarkan karakter orang Aceh yg luar biasa.


🔊The long war of Aceh📌

Aceh is the area of ​​civilization that most often stop the karn act of the traitors mauoun the aggressor laknat.dimulai with kefatangan portugis.Voc .America to belanda.japan old order and the new order.Aceh also has the movement of civilization to fight the oppressor aggressor and arbitrariness of wenangan.semangat jihat the aceh nation has never been extinguished.the war against the dutch who was repelled since 6 April 1873 until 1914. According to data Belabda itself has caused casualties on the side of the Dutch as many as 37,500 troops and fihak Aceh less than 100000 people died on both sides.ditambah with victims of lula wound amounted to 5000 more.

four generals and dozens of high-ranking Dutch officers were killed at the hands of the Acehnese warriors. The death of kohler on 14 April 1873 in the hands of Aceh sniper teuku nyak imum leung brick king is the most phenomenal.dengan death kohler tersebut.semangat fighter nation of Aceh increasingly tinggi.belanda already lost face on the first landing on 8 April 1973. kohler deaths make dutch pull back van heustz who sdh retire to be active again. the story of war aceh dutch was back bergelora.dlm episode syae panyang war aceh.

imagine then. the presence of Indonesian soldiers during the dom of 1989 to 1998 which only 9 years alone has killed about 30000 people died. how the barbarism committed by the Dutch for 41 years only kill 70000 soul.bagaimana if fihak Indonesia extend the dom period up to 41 years? how many would the Acehnese die? the atrocities against the Acehnese are so very primitive. whereas the resistance betrayed by the Acehnese is still the same as the wartime period of Aceh Netherlands in the past. Only by what is called a primitive insurrection.

In this longest and fiercest war, both sides have similarly displayed their soldiers tough and courageous warriors fighting over their beliefs. their morale is recorded all the time in the history of the pererangan Aceh ever Dutch war a bigger than the War Aceh.begitupun with Indonesia.

the pramudya ananta toer once composed and described the tremendous character of Acehnese.



artikel yant sangat bagus gan..

apalagi yang upvote @good-karma, @feruz dan kawan2.. pasti betah buat artikel..

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