The natural beauty of the hidden country of aceh
Natural beauty and nautical charm in Aceh is not a doubt, besides Sabang and Pulo Aceh which become a magnet for marine tourism, the beauty of Pulau Banyak in Aceh Singkil district is also the target of foreign tourists.
Gugugsan small islands that offer a variety of beauty is also very spoil the eye, ranging from the contours of the land, white sand, snorkeling spot and also some splases that trigger adrenaline for surf sports lovers.
Natural beauty and marine charm in Aceh is not a doubt, besides Sabang and Pulo Aceh which become a magnet for marine tourism, the beauty of Pulau Banyak is located in Aceh Singkil Regency is also the target of foreign tourists.
A group of small islands that offer a variety of beauty is also a pampering the eyes, ranging from the contour of the land, white sand, snorkeling spot and also some splases that trigger the adrenaline for surf sports lovers. Source: (@ | Location: Many Island, Aceh singkil, Aceh, 🇮🇩 | @ofoflashlight