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Heat Debate Between Dayah Ulama vs. Wali Nanggroe About Hotel Hermes
- Wali Naggroe Malek Mahmud Against Ulama Dayah
Banda Aceh- The decision of the meeting at the Aceh MPU Hall last night, was fierce and had heated up instantly between Huda and WALI NANGGROE parties. Fada and GOVERNOR. So the decision of the meeting was postponed.
But HUDA and FADA have a bright spot from the formulation of hermes hotel issues, as HUDA chairman Abu Mudi (Waled Hasanul) said Hermes will be deprived of operational permit and seizure of the building, this will take place as long as the Hermes Hotel recognizes openly in the spread of Christianity Diaceh. Or the outline is also hard Huda Party will expel and issued the Owner And Joiner Hotel Hermes from Aceh. And not allowed to go back to Aceh, whether it is a tour or other things diaceh.
Then answered by WALI NANGGROE, "we can not revoke the hermes operational permrasional hotel carelessly, it's all there is law, and in Qanun Wali also listed, not just any unilateral revocation without valid permission from the guardian" before wali nanggroe finish his conversation, immediately cut by the Huda Party, again Abu Mudi chairman Huda who spoke, "As long as Aceh is peaceful from the complication between the Gam and NKRI, I have heard of Wali Nanggroe, in brief my ignorant mind is answered Wali which means Father of the country , while the father of the country is king or president.
And we aceh already have a president who is located in the center of Jakarta capital, if wali nanggroe is considered as king of diaceh, you are from Iskandar Muda? Or are you the Great Scholar of this diaceh? There are already many of your students or your careers who have become Ulama and established Islamic Education in Aceh.
Maybe there is no one around us here, so I never thought there was a father country in this aceh. Our law is stronger than the Law of the Law that you make, we are based on Al-Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma 'and Qiyas Ulama 4 Schools. It is not based on the lust of the world that you convey above the "guardian of the sitting and silence then reasserted by the Huda Ulama, Waled Nu and Abu Paya Pasie, with similar tones and core but a little extra from Abu Paya Pasie" We also have soldiers when compared GAM, TNI, Police are merged into one troop. Of course there are still many of our soldiers.
Therefore before the Palace of Guardians and Governors are flooded with our jihadists 2 days from now, we used to support the full movement of GAM to fight for Shari'ah Islam in aceh, but we are already fed and tired of seeing the Gam (Partai Aceh ) who has a government position.
They are greedy and betrayed, in the law they strove for yesterday ie Islamic shari'ah. Will it be deadly for the treacherous, what about those who are treasonous do we turn it off now? "
The harsh acts of the Huda and Fada Parties reinforced the Aceh government. So the government of Aceh does not budge a single voice, fear and shame around his mind. Aceh is destroyed because the government mind is no longer in line with the Ulama, from the meeting we can see how the distance between Ulama and Aceh government.