in #aceh7 years ago


Assalamualaikum sahabat steemit di manapun berada semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat selalu.
Tak lupa juga puji-pujian kita panjatkan kepada baginda nabi besar muhammad SAW.

Assalamualaikum steemit friend anywhere in may be always in good health always.
Not to mention the praise we pray to the great prophet Muhammad SAW.

Berbicara mengenai ketenangan hati, tentu sebagai manusia yg tak luput dari kesalahan dan dosa kita sering merasa hati tak tenang atau gundah gulana.
Pasti kita sering terpikir kenapa bisa seperti ini, namun jagan risau sabahat steemit obatnya salah satunya dengan zikir

Firman Allah SWT:

“ yaitu, orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka manjadi tenteram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram”. ( QS. Ar-Ra’d ; 28)

Speaking of peace of mind, of course as a human who does not escape from mistakes and sins we often feel the heart is not calm or depressed mounds.
Surely we often think why can be like this, but jagan worried sabah steemit medicine one of them with dhikr

Word of Allah SWT:
"That is, those who believe and their hearts are rested in the remembrance of Allah. Remember, it is only in remembrance of Allah that the heart is at ease ". (Surah Ar-Ra'd; 28)

Namun obat hati tidak hanya sebatas zikir saja
Berikut kita lihat penjelasan Imam Nawawi dalam At Tibyan fii Adabi Hamalatil Qur’an :

  • Membaca Al Qur’an dan tadabbur (merenungkannya)
  • Rajin mengosongkan perut (dengan gemar berpuasa)
  • Mendirikan shalat malam
  • Merendahkan diri di hadapan Allah (dengan do’a dan dzikir) di akhir malam
  • Bermajelis (bergaul) dengan orang-orang sholeh. (At Tibyan karya Imam Nawawi).

Nah itu sebagian tentang obat penenang hati, kalau ada yg lain bisa di tambahkan di komentar di bawah ya sahabat steemit, Waalaikum salam

But the medicine of the heart is not just limited to zikr Here we see the explanation of Imam Nawawi in At Tibyan fii Adabi Hamalatil Qur'an:

  • Read the Qur'an and tadabbur (contemplate)
  • Diligent emptying the stomach (with fasting)
  • Establish evening prayer
  • Degrading self in the presence of Allah (with prayer and dhikr) at the end of the night
  • Playing (hanging out) with the sholeh people. (At Tibyan by Imam Nawawi).

Well that's partly about sedative heart, if there are others that can be added in the comment below ya friend steemit, Waalaikum greetings

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