Miracle of Gayo Coffee
Kopi gayo, iya. Kopi gayo merupakan kopi yang berasal dari tanah Gayo, Aceh. Tepatnya di daratan tinggi Aceh, atau sering disebut Negeri Atas Awan. Disanalah kopi gayo tumbuh subur dan menghasilkan biji kopi kualitas terbaik, yang bahkan ketenarannya sudah sampai ke Seluruh Penjuru Dunia, kopi gayo merupakan jenis arabika tapi, bukan hanya arabikanya yang terkenal dari gayo, jenis kopi luwak nya juga dikenal mempunyai kualitas terbaik.
Jangan lupa menikmati kopi gayo jika berkunjung ke Aceh, Menikmati kopi dinegeri asalnya akan lebih nikmat tentunya.
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Gayo coffee, yes. Gayo coffee is coffee from Gayo land, Aceh. Precisely in the highlands of Aceh, or often called the Land of the Cloud. There Gayo coffee thrives and produces the best quality coffee beans, which even fame has reached the entire corner of the world, Gayo coffee is a kind of arabica but, not only the famous arabica of Gayo, the type of civet coffee is also known to have the best quality. Do not forget to enjoy gayo coffee when visiting Aceh, Enjoying coffee in the country of origin will be more delicious of course.