Politics Money is forbidden, is there in Pidie Jaya?

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


WELCOME the election of regional heads and presidents of various ways carried out by timses, whether that is justified by law or who blames it.
One of the most prevalent practices is money politics (poetic money).
This phenomenon is usually done before the day of H is often known as the dawn attack. In the election of a leader including any tiered especially the head of the region or president.
Of course this is done to establish truth and goodness within the boundaries of the Shari'a outlined. In short, implement amar makruf nahi mungkar. Elections are not based on the sake of fulus (money).
Assessing some cases in the community with studies is like the book of scholars in the time of the election of the president or other elections. We must be able to sort out the issue of money politics in several categories from the perspective of the study of scholars.
A case for example, a politician or timses and others just giving to seek and attract sympathy in society then such actions are allowed against the giver. While they are the recipient of the law makruh take money (money) it.

Meanwhile Genesis and phenomenon are no less interesting, in which the money-giver makes a binding contract agreement with the recipient of money to choose one of the candidate leaders, the law is haram both the recipient and the giver. Indicator (reason) is forbidden the act is equated with risywah (bribery). (Book of Ihya Ulumuddin, Imam Al-Ghazali: II: 156-157).
The above phenomenon as described by the Prophet in his hadith reads: "The three men whom God will not speak to on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not cleanse them and they will get a painful punishment. First, the one who has water exceeds the need in travel and does not give it to the traveler (who needs it).
Secondly, the man who binds a leader only because of the world. If the leader gives him, he will fulfill his pembai'atan, but if not given, he will not fulfill it. And thirdly, the one who offers his wares to others after his time, then he swears that the merchandise has been offered by someone else, then the buyer trusts it and buys it, even though it has never been offered by others. (Bukhri and Muslim).

Even in the book of Fath al-Bari commenting on the above hadith mentions: "Basically the person membai'at leaders aimed for him to execute the truth, uphold the boundaries of God, perform amar ma'ruf and nahi mungkar.
Therefore, whoever makes his dedication to the leader because of the treasure he receives without seeing the ultimate goal, he has suffered a real loss and entered into the threat of hadith above, and he will be wretched if Allah does not support him.

The hadith indicates that every action that is not endeavored seeks the pleasure of Allah, but aims to seek the pleasure of the world, then the charity is corrupted and the sinner. Only Allah gives His taufiq. "(Shaykh Ibn Hajar, Book of Fathul Bari: 8: 214, 218).

Seeing this phenomenon, Aceh in a few days will be held pilkada in three districts of each of South Aceh, Subussalam and Pidie Jaya, of course, various ways of timses trying to win a candidate candidate although in a way that violates Islamic Shari'a with money politics or more popularly known "Yadana". then is there any unlawful practice of Money politics in Pidie Jaya?


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