The beauty of Blang Kulam Waterfall

It takes the struggle to reach Blang Kulam waterfall in Aceh.Namun the charm of beauty and beauty of this waterfall makes anyone who comes there forget yourself. I want to play there all day!
Wooew !! It's a word worth saying after going up and down 555 steps of the Blang Kulam hills. It's a bit tiring! But two amazing twin waterfalls will wipe out a sense of exhaustion instantly.
The waterfall was like a village virgin untouched by the hands of ignorant. Large trees towering around him like greeting every body that came to that place. The rock beneath the waterfall was always faithful to hold clear water falling onto it.
At least, that's the picture seen when I and my friends Civil Engineering students at the University of Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe while visiting the nirvana Blang Kulam, yesterday. This place is still somewhat foreign tourists. What more foreign tourists. Usually, on Sunday, the waterfall was only crowded by local people.

There is no other means of support such as lodging provided here.After arriving at the gate, before you go through hundreds of stairs, you will only encounter a mosque building, parking area, and lined place to sell locals. Blang Kulam waterfall is located in a remote place far from the hustle of the city. The exact location is in Kuta Makmur Subdistrict, North Aceh Regency. If you want to go there, you have to travel approximately 30 km from the city of Lhokseumawe.
If you do not bring a private vehicle, it is a bit difficult indeed. Because some public transport from Lhokseumawe direction will not be willing to take you there. They only arrived at Keude Buloh Blang Ara, local district, about 7 km from the waterfall. , there is a motorcycle taxi at Simpang Cot Nibong, not far from Keude Buloh Blang Ara ready to take you to Blur Kulam's nirvana.
Wow, indahnya
Makasih,memang suatu kebanggaan bagi aceh bisa memiliki air terjun blang kulam yg begitu menggoda
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