The Sholehah Woman Is The Heavenly Heaven's Queen...
No doubt bahwasannya angel heaven that is always called God in the Qur'an, make the Muslims berfasta biqul khairat to get the angels of heaven.
Because one of the pleasures of heaven that is always desirable by every Muslim especially men who want to get service and love nymphs.
How do not want the angels of heaven?
Various information about the angel of heaven, both about the beauty of his face, the beauty, the fragrance and virginity that never lost, for many people miss him.
Those who believe in Allah will find a companion of heavenly celestial nymphs who are narrated in the noble verses of the Qur'an
"And in that Heaven there are angels who are eyed as pearls that are well preserved"
QS Al Waqiah: 22-23
"We created them (angels) directly and We made them virgins full of love again as old as his age"
(Surah Al Waqiah: 35-37)
"And in those Heavens there are courteous angels, lowered their eyes, never touched by men before them (the inhabitants of Paradise their husbands) nor by the jinn
ka u islamic lhok lagoeh
Nyoe bg @hendra1