When nature gives life,
When you are saturated, take a few seconds to admire the greatness of God through the beauty of this universe.
Whoever contemplates the universe will awaken to the greatness and abundance of the greatness of the Essence which created this universe.
In this universe you will find enlightenment about your life purpose, the meaning of your life. think about it, so you find a clue.
Natural scenery is free but very valuable, if you want to pay enough to maintain and take care of him.
Be on the side of Nature, before they are not on our side.
I do not know, certainly the green color of plants has made this eye healthy.
Without Human nature will not long survive,
Without humans, Nature will be fine.
We already know a lot about the universe, but the mystery inside it remains incalculable.
The universe was created by God with amazing things in it, The universe is always able to amaze you.
Be amazed at the enormity of this universe, and be amazed at the power of Substance who created it.
Adventure across the country, enjoy the millions of great things that are ready for you.
How often you adventure, there are always amazing things that are ready for your arrival.
God created the Universe to be a place of contemplation for people who think.
Pick up the thousands of wisdom contained in Nature, undoubtedly Nature is not tired giving you a lesson about life.
No matter what life, the person who always contemplates the universe always lives in a state of gratitude.
and that's just as important as the water and food requirements that are good for our bodies
Nature has lived millions of years. Therefore nature will teach more knowledge than the intelligent people you meet.
This universe was created with millions of unknown mysteries. It's not a mystery that makes us scared, but a mystery that makes us excited to find out.
every flying dust is an infinite source of inspiration.
come out to explore the vast nature, then you will know the meaning of a life.
The happiness you feel is not perfect before you feel the happiness that comes from feeling the beauty of this nature.
the tired you feel when exploring nature will be worth the inspiration you get.
Nature has been created to meet any human need. But before that happens we need to have some science to make nature siding with us.
this universe has a limit, but the wisdom that can be plucked on it is infinite.
if you have contemplated this universe and seen the vastness of the ocean of knowledge it possesses.
Hey @muazii, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)