Metroxylon Sago | Buah Rumbia | boh meuria
Friends do not know what is the fruit of rumbia (boh meuria)?
So boh meuria, latinnya Metroxylon sago. If the national language of rumbia fruit. Thatch or also called sago tree is the name of a type of palm sago flour producer. Rumbia usually grows in freshwater swamps, rivers and other droughts. In the appropriate areas, the palms can form a vast sago plantation or forest. In the village community usually leaves rumbia used as a roof of houses, roofs of cottages in the garden or rice fields.
Rumbia or also called (tree) sagu is the name of a palm-producing palm. Other names in various regions of Sumatra and Sulawesi are rumbieu, rembie, rembi, rembiau, rambia, hambia, humbia, lumbia, rombia, rumpia. In Malukudikenal as ripia, lipia, lepia, lapia, lapaia, hula or huda. In Java, ambulung, bulung, (am) feathers, tembulu (Jw.), Bhulung (Md.), And ki ray (Sd.).
In various foreign languages known as sago (Vietnam), sakhu (Thailand), sa: khu'u (Laos), and Sago Palm (Ingg.). While the scientific name is Metroxylon sago.