Kuah tuhe Typical cuisine from aceh
Tuhe sauce is usually served as breakfast, tuhe sauce as a food substitute for rice in the morning. The basic ingredients of tuhe sauce is actually from rice also but not the usual rice but sticky rice. For the gravy is made from coconut milk cooked to boil with a mixture of finely chopped jackfruit finely cut and jackfruit seeds and added bananas as additional vegetables add sugar and salt swcukupnya as a taste of food. Tuhe sauce is very enjoyable to taste with a sweet taste
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Nyan mangat that apalagi keunong bu payeh
Beutoi teungku cukop brat mangat, nyan teungoh lon pajoh lon cok gamba aju seubab teungog pah keuadaan le peugah le awak nyoe. Man beutoi, hantom baro kon tatumei lagei nyan mungken karna malam 25 puasa kadang syit teungoh lailatur qadar heuh maka jih mandum pah raseuki teuh keu postingan malam nyoe. Dak jitem lageinyoe sabe that brat seunang teuh bak tapeugot postingan. Simalam sanh 30 boh ek tapeugot sabe postingan
Hahaha beutoi...