Exploring the Giant Ship of PLTD Apung, Now Became a Tsunami Laboratory [Menjelajahi Kapal Raksasa PLTD Apung, Sekarang Menjadi Laboratorium Tsunami]

in #aceh7 years ago (edited)


When she was in front of the giant ship, Grace looked amazed with the physical form of it.

Its name PLTD Apung. It is also known well as Floating Ship of Diesel Power Plant. Since 13 years ago the giant ship is so famous. Even become a tourist destination all over the world.

Kapal PLTD Apung. Begitu namanya. Sejak 13 tahun silam kapal raksasa ini begitu terkenal. Bahkan menjadi tujuan wisatawan seluruh dunia.


When I arrived a month ago, the giant ship with weights 1.200 tons was visited by tourists. Grace Atriace was one of them. She comes from Germany. When she was in front of the giant ship, Grace looked amazed with the physical form of it.

Saat saya datang sebulan lalu, kapal raksasa berbobot 12.000 ton ramai dikunjungi wisatawan. Grace Atriace adalah salah satunya. Bule asal Jerman ini tampak terkagum-kagum dengan wujud fisik kapal ini.

Also read: Learn from a Flower | Belajar dari Sekuntum Bunga


"How can a ship with this size come and be in the middle of a settlement," Grace told me. Grace was no longer young. He is now 60 years old. She came to Aceh for the holidays with her family.

"Bagaimana bisa kapal sebesar ini datang dan ada di tengan-tengah permukiman penduduk," kata Grace kepada saya. Grace memang sudah tak muda lagi. Ia kini berusia 60 tahun. Bersama keluarganya ia datang ke Aceh dalam rangka liburan.


Reading the story about PLTD Apung, make Grace curious. Finally she came to see the ship by herself. "Now I can come directly, and one word, it's amazing!," she said.

Membaca cerita tentang PLTD Apung, membuat Grace penasaran. Akhirnya ia datang melihat sendiri kapal itu. "Sekarang saya sudah bisa datang langsung, dan satu kata, sangat menakjubkan!" ungkapnya.

Also read: An Afternoon at Ulee Lheu After 13 Years of Tsunami | Suatu Sore di Ulee Lheu Setelah 13 Tahun Tsunami



As known this giant ship slammed tsunami waves on December 26, 2004 to the middle of Punge Blangcut Village, Jaya Baru District, about 3 kilometer from the Port of Ulee Lheue.

Seperti diketahui kapal raksasa ini terhempas gelombang tsunami pada 26 Desember 2004 ke tengah Desa Punge Blangcut, Kecamatan Jaya Baru, sekitar 3 kilomter dari Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue.


Not only Grace, but also many visitors from Malaysia and other countries are amazed by its magic. Especially about the story how the giant ship could be carried by the tsunami waves and perched on the settlements.

Bukan hanya Grace, banyak pengunjung dari Malaysia dan negara lainnya yang takjub dengan keajaibannya. Terutama tentang cerita bagaimana kapal itu bisa terbawa gelombang tsunami dan bertengger di permukiman penduduk.

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But all the curiosity was immediately answered when visitors explore part of its interior space. Now, the giant ship PLTD Apung is not only become the icon of Aceh's tsunami tourism. Since the last few years, the giant ship has also been polished into a tsunami laboratory for visitors.

Tapi semua rasa ingin tahu itu segera bisa terjawab manakala pengunjung mejelajahi ruang dalamnya. Sekarang, kapal PLTD Apung bukan hanya menjadi ikon wisata tsunami Aceh. Sejak beberapa tahun terakhir kapal ini juga sudah dipoles menjadi pusat laboratorium tsunami bagi pengunjung.


"In addition to the outside of the ship, visitors can also see directly space inside of it. There are many facilities and documentation about knowledge of earthquakes, tsunami and history of PLTD Apung. All of them completely presented in both visual and audio visual, "said Alkautsar, tour guide I met at the location. [*]


“Selain di luar kapal, pengunjung juga dapat menyaksikan secara langsung suasana di dalam interior kapal yang sudah banyak fasilitas dan dokumentasi tentang pengetahuan gempa bumi dan tsunami serta riwayat PLTD Apung. Semua lengkap tersaji baik dalam bentuk visual maupun audio visual,” ujar Alkautsar, pemandu wisata di lokasi PLTD Apung yang saya temui. [*]

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I like you posting

Thank you....you should come and see it.

Postingan yang sangat bagus untuk dibaca.

Hehehe...makasih salman....sudah membaca.

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