AceD Cash - Official Currency Of AceD Vault
AceD Cash is a new innovative cryptocurrency emerging in this new age of digital finance. It is the official currency of the AceD Vault, an investment platform in the AceD coin ecosystem. The way one can get hold of AceD Cash is either by the ICO or by exchanging AceD Coin through AceD Vault internal exchange.
The investor gets to earn good returns via dividends and this turns out to be one of the good investment plan if you are looking for long-term gains.
Coin Specs Are As Follows-
BLOCK TIME: 1 minute
Some Interesting Facts-
AceD Cash Is:
==> 100% Proof of Stake Cryptocurrency
==> No Need For Any Expensive Mining As the Coins Are Staked In Your Wallet
==> Fully Resistant To Dumping
==> Only Exchangeable For AceD Post ICO
AceD Cash Offers:
==> Automatic Investments With Fixed Daily Returns
==> Tiered Investment And Referral Package
==> Future Debit Card Implementation
==> Integration With AceD Platform
==> Method To Earn Dividends Via Referral Investment
==> Withdrawable Dividends Earned Daily During Loan Package
AceD Vault Is-
==> Is An Investment Platform Powered By AceD Cash
==> A Platform To Buy Packages On A Secured Platform
==> One Can Freely Deposit And Withdraw AceD Cash Without Any Complications
This is a decentralized investment platform where it just takes 5 steps to be a part of this project. This is how this works-
==> Register For An Account And Access Your DashBoard
==> Deposit AceD Into Your Wallet
==> Buy AceD Cash Via Internal Exchange
==> Choose Investment Package
==> Earn Passive Daily Dividends
AceD Cash Investment Packages:
Package Price ($ACH) Dividends Accrued Daily Capital Return
1 Starter 250-5000 0.15% After 240 Days
2 Medium 5001-25000 0.17% After 210 Days
3 Pro 25001-50000 0.20% After 180 Days
4 Expert 50001+ 0.25% After 150 Days
AceD also offers some amazing referral program where you can earn some additional income.
So as you can see this is one such opportunity where people like you and me can come together and explore new options when it comes to passive income.
Few additional details which I am sure you wanna know.
AceD Streaming - We all know that streaming has gained a lot of momentum over the last couple of years or I should say months. AceD Streaming platform gives an opportunity for streamers to be rewarded for the content they deliver. Spectators can tip the streamer via AceD coins and show their support towards the content.
AceD DashBoard - This is one placeholder for the key info related to network statistics, number of unique addresses, adoption rate and other market trends. This also offers useful tools such as MasterNode stats to the node holders which can be viewed on the smartphones.
AceD Gaming - Gaming industry is emerging as one of the strongest markets when it comes to audience and its engagement. AcedD platform will allow gamers to play against each other in skill-based games while wagering on the outcome. If you’re a gaming developer, you can add your games to the platform and earn some AceD by taking a small fee for each transaction. For developers, it’s not just about earning money on their games rather developing a brand of their own. AceD gaming gives you the opportunity to get noticed and kickoff your career in gaming.
AceD Snap - If you are a photographer and want to earn some royalties thru selling your work, I think this is one such platform you should be looking into. Not only this you can also earn by receiving tips from viewers/users.
AceD Escrow - One cannot deny that Crypto world is not invaded by so-called scammers. For a new investor/trading this can be daunting. This is where AceD Escrow service comes into action. This is a valuable service for bother seller and buyer as this makes sure the agreed upon good is exchanged and or service is rendered. Going forward this platform will server hosting ICO's as well.
Important Links-
Website -
Bitcoin Talk:
So this was my quick intro of what AceD is and what it brings to the table. Thank you for your time and I look forward to talk to you all soon.
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