Accusation of Apple Inc.
Mentally ill manager of the Apple store in Berlin, Kurfürstendamm 26, refuses to deliver products ordered by me on 16.12.2019, lies, threatens me, denies my authority, and violates my rights. Said breach of law concerns especially article 10.2 of the Berliner Verfassung, articles 2.2 and 5.1 of the Constitution of the community Rus‘.
As a legal member of the community Rus‘ (Русь), I am authorized to act on behalf of both the Fund of the Constitutional Development (Фонд Конституционного Строительства) and the community Rus‘ (Русь) in agreement with the rule of law specified in its Constitution {1} as stated in notarization of 12.12.2018 {2}. As supervisor and owner of Charité {3}, insolvency administrator and guard {4}, I am fully authorized to order goods, to dispose of german assets and property, and to protect legal order in Berlin and in other territories. Persons negating all these obvious facts, rights and laws are affected by schizophrenia {5}.
For the reasons explained above and in consequence of obligations in sense of paragraphs 241, 824(1), 826 of the German Civil Code resulting from hindrance and obstruction of my work I accuse Apple and its CEOs of racism, nazism, and breach of law, appropriate all goods in Apple store in Kurfürstendamm 26, close this store, and prohibit Apple Inc. to do business in Germany without my consent.
In case of disregard of my order I will initiate criminal processings and will take other legal measures against Apple Inc. and its CEOs in accordance with the Nuremberg principles {6} and provisions of laws, namely, article 7.5 of the Constitution of the community Rus‘, and articles 7, 23.2, 24, 36, 37 of the Berliner Verfassung.

Dr. Andrej Poleev
Constitution of the Community Rus‘ (Русь). of 12.12.2018.é, mon amour. of 23.09.2019 and order of 14.10.2019. Poleev. German disease. Enzymes, 2019. of the Nuremberg Tribunal.