I am a newbie - where to start?
Hello Steemit community,
My name is Michael and I am super excited to begin my Steemit journey!
I have been searching around trying to find a list of all the steps i need to take to get setup correctly and be able to add value to the community.
Steemit has plenty of help sections, but I am more of a visual guy, I like to watch videos and look at info graphics to achieve what I need to achieve.
I want to document this process myself, once I have gone through it all, so I can produce the 'idiots' guide to getting setup on Steemit.
I want to fully understand and Steemit links with DTube and any other asset they have which requires a Steemit account to be able to access and use said platforms.
Please can the wonderful and most helpful Steemers share some links or advise as to where to start, how to get setup and link to the other platforms, and then how to use them effectively.
I will then document my own setup of all this, turn it into a video and info graphic and then in-turn, hopefully this will help more newcomers who want a visual guide to the processes required to getting their Steemit accounts up and running.
Why do i think this will be a good idea for me?...
I am a video editor and motion graphic designer, have attended school of motions animation bootcamps, and have made many explainer videos and product demo's for various clients, so I feel this is something I can produce that would give back to the Steemit community.
Apart from that, I can't think of what else i can add? I mean, I love crypto, I invest in coins, I do some day trading, but really, I am only 6 months into my crypto lifestyle so to speak, so I am currently making all the mistakes any newbie would make, and whilst I am making mistakes I am learning from them.
I am also helping with logo design and explainer videos for various currencies, and am joining some new ICO teams to work on brand design and visual content.
Currently, I do not know enough to give advise on what to invest in, what to avoid etc, there are many people in this community that are better at that than I.
But what my aim is, is to help newbies like myself, with providing idiot guides to the most important things - where to buy coins, where to store them safely, and the common pitfalls (PND's).
I hope I can add some real value to this community and am happy to take any advise right now to get my account setup and looking good.
From first inspection, it would seem you need to host a profile image online somewhere to then add it to you profile in the settings tab...so, does this mean I can add an image to my dropbox and link to it and it will work?
Same for background image it would seem?
These are the sort of questions I am looking for answers to, so I can look at setting it all up and creating a simple guide for other newbies to follow - as i think this platform is going to grow, and it could grow even faster if we can reach more people by providing instructions that are simple to follow for the non-technical.
In my experience, some people really do need you to hold their hand and show them exactly what to click on and what to type.
I hope this all makes sense and I look forward to your comments where I hope you can provide useful links or suggestions so that I can fully complete my account setup, and even DTube so I know how it all works and connects.
I only mention DTune as I want to make videos as the primary focus, but also I would like to share my content in Steemit.
Kindest Regards
Hi and welcome! As a newbie, just look around, try things out, and have fun. You'll get the hang of it in not time, I think...!
BTW: Nice to meet you! Feel free to follow and upvote me, I'm following you from now on as well. Together we gain knowledge, steem, a growing network and fun!
PS: what do you think about my article The true innovative power of Steemit ? Do you think Steemit is indeed able to function as a crypto bridge?
Does upvoting cost me money? These are the things I need to understand!?!
No it's free! As a matter of fact, it brings you money. The more people you follow and follow you, the bigger your network gets. Just follow me, upvote all my content, and of course also read my advice.
How do i upvote?
Just click on the ^ sign and wait until it is blue. Sometimes due to network connectivity problems it can take a while.
Just click on the ^ sign and wait until it is blue. Sometimes due to network connectivity problems it can take a while.
Welcome @moginger ☺
Thanks taimoorbitrex - interesting name, appreciate the welcome and no upsell!
follow and like back
write anything you want :D and welcome...