It Makes You Think
It Makes You Think
So, it is a lovely morning, about 60 degrees, I am driving slowly behind a school bus throughout the various neighborhoods I pass on my way to work. I am not in a hurry, and am quite content cruisin' along behind this bus. Eventually I get to a red light just seconds away from work, and WHAM!
As I am drinking my head rocks back and coffee spills everywhere. I was rear-ended (pun intended). Apparently a guy two cars back had his foot slip off of the brake and hit the gas. He slammed into the woman behind me, she then nails me pretty hard, and I end up hitting the SUV in front of me.
Eventually a cop shows up, and the whole thing took about 45 minutes. On my way to work I was thinking about how fast things can change, how fast life can hit you, and how instantly circumstances can turn. Fortunately this was relatively no big deal, though my car clearly got damaged worse than any of the others, and on both ends; however, something truly tragic could occur just as quickly. So, I would like to use this relatively benign accident to emphasize some things that are common sense, but should be reminded to us every now and then.
Cherish life and those you love. Try to remind yourself not to take them for granted because in a flash . . . they may not be there any more, nor you. Be safe, cautious, and aware of your surroundings. Sure, like what happened to me today, some things are beyond your control, but do what you can to minimize trouble and not invite chaos. Lastly, keep your cool. None of us yelled at this guy. I told him, "Well, shit happens. That's why they call them accidents." There is no need to flip out. Any decent human being already feels bad, and all you are going to do is make yourself look like an ass if you escalate things by screaming, shouting, and swearing - so don't.