Acceptance Quotes: The Importance of Self Acceptance and Knowing Oneself
It is the ultimate challenge to the person interested in self-improvement: To know oneself and to accept oneself while also leaving room for positive change.
Some of the wisest figures in human history have struggled with this, from Carl Jung to Winston Churchill. Self-acceptance is not a matter of simply thinking that you’re “good enough the way you are.” Rather, it is about accepting yourself as being what you are. Knowing your dark side and accepting that it is a part of you, not something alien and foreign.
This is the very first step on the path toward self-improvement. To master the self one must first understand the self and to understand the self requires radical acceptance — warts and all. Only by having a radical acceptance of who we are, without judgement, without condemnation and without admonishment, can we begin to transform in self-actualizing ways.
Knowing oneself is as challenging as it is necessary. Many people simply lack the ability to look at themselves for what they are rather than for what they wish they were.
Knowing and accepting yourself acts as the north star of self-actualization. It is only by doing this properly that one can change while still remaining true to the core of who they are. Here are some quotes to help you chart your path.
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