Watch the hot weather that will hit Aceh due to the blazing sun
Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Blangbintang, Aceh Besar District appealed to residents in Aceh specifically to reduce activities outside the home.
"Better they (the people) are in the building or house, to avoid dehydration," said Head of Data and Information Section BMKG Blang Bintang Station, Zakaria, in Aceh Besar, Monday.
Zakaria said the hot weather due to the hot sun that hit the province in recent weeks can cause dehydration.
Not to mention this week there will be a shift between the earth and the sun that is right in the ebold****boldquatorial or the sun line.
The incident will have an immediate impact for people in Aceh, such as the heat that sting the sun, especially during the day and night feels hot.
"We expect Wednesday (21/3) this week, it's position of the sun is right on the equator (the equator) .The course is getting hotter and easier to dehydrate," he said.
BMKG asks the community especially in Aceh to maintain health by consuming more fruit and water.
"This is an effort to avoid shortage of body fluids, then wear masks and helmets and body armor to avoid direct sun," said Zakaria.
The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) last week informed that in this week there will be a day without banyangan or shadow nir in Indonesia on Wednesday (21/3).
The date becomes one of two days of the year, as well as marking the sun just above the equator or equator.
LAPAN describes a day without a shadow happening because the position of the sun just above the equator. For people living near or right on that line, then the sun is almost directly above his head.
This condition results in no visible shadow of our own body at that time.
The other day where the sun's position just above the equator is estimated to occur on September 23, 2018.