SEO Common seo mistakes Newbies Do

in #academic8 years ago (edited)

 hi steemit members. Please read this post to the end. for making this post simple and engaging i divided these mistakes in 6 parts and i also add some pics for make this interesting. so let's get started.

 1. Long Titles- The first mistake mostly newbies make is writing lengthy titles for their posts. Let me tell you that Google and other search engines love the blog posts with title length below 70 characters (not words).

 If your blog post’s title consists on more than 70 characters, it will only be shown till 70 characters and the rest will be hidden. Though, Google supports titles up to 70 characters, but I’d suggest to keep it within 60.

 If you exceed the 70 characters limit then can put a bad impact on your website.

2. Keyword Research- Many beginners dont spent time on keyword research and they just add some related common keywords but If you don’t research the keyword first, you can’t rank for it. Because you don’t know who your competitors are and how much effort you have to make in order to stand above them in search results.

 By doing keyword research you can find the variation of the keyword for which you have to rank and you can also get an idea about the competition for that specific keyword. 

 3. Keyword Density-  Most of the newbies ignore it and make mistakes with keyword density part. Sometimes they stuff the content with keywords and produce keyword stuffed content and some of them don’t even use their target keyword a single time.

 You have to make sure that the keyword density of your target keyword should be in the moderate range (2%-4%) and your content also contain some variations of that keyword.

 4. Meta Description- Meta description is an important part of seo. Meta keywords tag is now officially dead and useless and it’s not useful now at all. Meta description actually defines the search engine, what your content is actually about.

 Mostly beginners ignore it and just stuff this part with lots of keywords. To ensure maximum ranking in search engine, your meta-description should be of correct length and correctly optimized. 

According to google ranking your meta-description should not be more than 155 characters long in length and it must contain your targeted keyword but in a sentence manner.

 5. Images without ALT Tag- The BIGGEST mistake made by 97% of newbie  and if you are also making this mistake you are losing half of your traffic.

 Using images in your blog posts can be good for readers. 

 But how a search engine can understand what you have used in image format?  

The answer is ALT tags. Search engine’s crawler crawl your blog post and scan through all of your content, but unfortunately it can’t scan the images. This is the step where the Alt tags do their job and let crawler know “What the image is about?”.

 So, if you want to get that 50% of traffic which can be driven from Google Image search, you have to use Alt tags with the images in your blog posts. You can describe the image in the alt tag, so the crawler can understand and rank it according to the description. 

6. Ignoring Anchor Texts- Anchor texts are important for your visitors and also for search engines. If you are not focusing much on anchor texts you are just ruining your website’s ranking by your own.

 A large number of  beginners use anchor texts like “click here” “link” “this article” and some other similar typical texts.

 Search engines don’t like this type of anchor texts and they can throw your website to the page 2 if you are using this type of anchor texts for all your internal links.

 Your anchor text you use for a link to your blog should be keyword enrich. This will also looks pretty to the visitors and also loved by search engines. I am not asking you to stuff your anchor texts with keywords. Just try to make them pretty and use one keyword which is related to the blog post to which it was pointing. This can make it look much better and also help search engines to scroll through your content better.

 Thanks for reading this post to the end i hope you like this post.

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