Hi Steemians! I am moving my PhD research to Steemit!

in #academia8 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians! Ok, truth to be told, I am going to dropout from my phd soon. Personal circumstances did not allow me to continue with the research. Yet, I still remain in love with what i am doing, so much so i decide that I am going to continue my independent research. And i decide to share my research results with the Steemit community some time in the future with some fine-tuning in the depth of posts. There are a few reasons why I am doing this.

Current landscape in academia and why it is a problem

First, journal publications are very expensive - can be anything from USD10,000 per year and USD 10 - USD 30 per journal paper depending on the field. These journal publishers have increased their annual subscription every year but most university library budgets are not growing at the same rate. Hear this - In 2015, the academic publisher Elsevier earned about $1.58 billion in profit or about $9.36 billion in revenue. In fact, they are earning much more than Facebook or International Banks of China. With access to internet and free peer reviews, we would expect that the costs of journal publishing should go south. But it seems that this is not the case.

This problem is so severe that even ivy league universities find this hard to swallow. If Harvard university can no longer afford to pay, I wonder how other universities researchers in developing countries are coping with the limitation of literature. And indeed, it was the similar predicament that lead Alexandra Elbakyan, a Kazakhstan university student to create Sci-hub. This lead to a lawsuit from Elsevier to Sci-hub and Alexandra Elbakyan. An article here did some research using Sci-hub traffic data and found out that in fact, Sci-hub users are scattered all around the world, even in the States.

This situation has led many researchers to break the copyright law. But they did it with the underlying good intention to seek for relevant literature because they were blocked by publishers' desire for more profits. The way that scientific knowledge is monetized in the modern day today for more profits at the expense of scientists doing good for the improvement of humanity is beyond me. Putting a price tag on knowledge which is explored and created by scientists, and then asking scientists to pay for their own work. Something here surely does not add up.

We need an alternative model for research dissemination.

Importance of knowledge decentralization and management

In a post by @anwenbaumeister, she talked about steemit’s potential for decentralization of knowledge. I believe that steemit with huge potential for knowledge decentralization, can draw power away from exorbitant journal publishers and return this power back to scientists, the knowledge explorers. Knowledge should not be managed by centralized publishers. Steemit and steem blockchain can be a potential alternative model for scientists to contribute their work directly for impact and influence. Imagine an awesome knowledge center to collect and spread valuable knowledge and information. A centre for academicians to illustrate expertise, debate and discuss.

How steemit can be a knowledge centre even for layman

I am not asking Steemit to award me with a PhD. But I would like to show what I am doing here is an example of how not only valuable knowledge can be decentralized, such knowledge can be managed. This also includes the communication channels of your research. At one point during the last 2 years of my PhD, i wondered if my mentor ever read the things i wrote. And then i realized there will just be 3 people reading my PhD thesis. That will be my mentor, the examiner and maybe my husband. That was also when i noticed that more people are reading my blog than my phd thesis. That is fully understandable. I mean who wants to read a 30,000 word long and boring thesis unless they have to. BUT, if the thesis were to be transformed into information readable and useful for the layman, i can imagine that piece of information delivering more impact for the community.

People in niche expertise may agree with this:- it is harder to communicate your research to layman than to your peers in the same field. I have been blogging passionately about design thinking at steemit, pretty much in layman terms. I hope that my effort can give steemit and steemians added value in terms of knowledge sharing and intellectual discussion.

Appeal to scientists: Join us

Join steemit and be part of this awesome wave! Try it. If you do blog about your expertise, be it economics, science and engineering, social sciences, please tag as #academia so that i can follow you. Waiting for you. :-)

P/S: Thanks for the positive response. Would like to raise awareness on the #pevo project which i am part of. See @pharesim's post here Also see https://pevo.science/

P/P/S: Thanks for the coffee guys :-) Never expected this response. of course, big things do not happen overnight. But, let's start small and gain awareness. Have thought of a few ideas for the scientific community on steemit. Keep steeming on!


What a wonderful post! I was drawn immediately to your article before knowing that you had included a reference to one of mine which was a pleasant surprise. You hit the nail on the head when saying:

"The way that scientific knowledge is monetized in the modern day today for more profits at the expense of scientists doing good for the improvement of humanity is beyond me. Putting a price tag on knowledge which is explored and created by scientists, and then asking scientists to pay for their own work. "

I'm so excited for the future of decentralized knowledge and that Steemit has people like you who are heading the movement.

Steem it is the new form of knowledge management

If we are able to mature enough to use the platform as envission by its devs it will be a goldmine of ideas and knowledge... it could transform in to a virtual library of good contents with feedbacks.

By the way i just followed you guys, id love to inteact more with active authors like you...

Here is a new type of post about my first salvia trip man please check it out and let me know what ya think :D


@anwenbaumeister I like to cite great and inspiring articles. And that one of yours is great. :-)

Thanks so much! As is yours :-)

Hi, I am/was contemplating the same thing but wasn't sure if this was the platform to present new immunology/medicine research insights. Seeing the response to your post shifts my opinion a lot. Thanks!

Hi I am surprised myself. I guess it would be interesting for layman to understand why your research is important and how it can affect them directly or indirectly. Will hop over to your blog!

Absolutely. Academia has become a bit of a tightened up environment that presents information to a lay person in a mostly indigestable fashion. I think, while academic writing definitely has a purpose, there first needs to be more accessible material that actually makes a lay person want to study things further! I liken it to playing a four movement symphony to a 10 year old who's never listened to such music before and wondering why they're not engaged. Steemit is a great platform for this. I should get my best friend onto this, he was doing a phd on the Malaria drug at Melbourne uni. Look forward, to reading your future posts :)

Sounds great! Yes, there is a lot of information in academia text that can be transformed into interesting content for the layman. I look forward to doing that :-)

Something needs to be done about these greedy capitalists that make so much profits off the scientists who do the work and who are engaged in publication . What if we make steemit like service for scientists. One that is blockchain based. One that will have scientific witness. Those who do good work and make good publications are rewarded blockchain dollars. How about it?

Yes, we have this #pevo project. please do hop to https://pevo.science/ and have a look

Good move! Elsevier and other scientific journal publishers are corrupt. If you are GlaxoSmithKline for example and you don't like a particular article about one of your products then you can have it retracted. One of Elsevier's sites ( http://www.elsmediakits.com/us ) even calls itself "Elsevier Phama Solutions". Is it clear they provide a service to pharma and not to science? Open source research is the way to go.

Interesting question between science ethics and business, isn't it? Sounds like a good blog post for you!

It is very brave of you to make a change like this and lose no vigor in your work. Bravo!

Wish you the best

Thanks. I guess passion indeed plays a part and draw courage

Nice, decentralize everything! Distributed research is the future!

Yes, it is!

It is indeed crazy that all these scientific discoveries, mainly funded by governments are not freely distributed for everyone to use. Some journals are opposing this habit nowadays, but everyone wants to hit science or nature if they could chose. I hope a lot of young researchers will use the new media to communicate and share their research with the world for the better of all.
Good luck with your research!

Thanks for the luck. I guess "publish or perish" notion among researchers is still very strong. Of course, researchers who wish to establish themselves strongly in their field would choose Science or Nature. But with social media, new technology, hopefully it will improve the landscape.

Welcome to a Social Media Revolution! Good luck to you on Steemit. You control where you go from here, what you do and don't do in your life, but I hope you strive to continue with your goals and your dreams. Don't give up..... Too many people do. I truly believe that.....

Thanks for the luck. Will need it. Yes, it is a dream and i hope to achieve it

This is interesting. I finished my PhD years ago so I know how the system works. You spend years doing interesting research. Then finally you manage to write a good article. You send it to a journal. But the journal isn't doing much. They just send your paper for review to other scientist they know are important in the field. Than these scientist review it and if they all say you paper is good, then the journal publishes the paper.

But the journal does absolutely nothing. The review proces is free for them. I also received many emails to review papers. Of course, I never got paid for reviewing. Not that I mind reviewing it for free. The problem is that these journals later on sell these papers for big money. That's what I hate. Scientists are doing all this work for free, but 1 greedy journal is getting tons of money.

Steemit could solve this problem. We should make scientific communities here on Steemit and to the delegation work the journals are doing and then if the papers are reviewed, they can be put here online for free.

Yes, i used to do peer reviews for free as well until one day, i realized why am i staying up till the wee hours of the night. Then i started to reject the requests. I did got a certificate of appreciation from a journal publisher though. Hopefully steemit can also amass a scientific community. I think it will be valuable.

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