RE: HELP ME STOP ABUSE in Steemit and EARN SBD $$$ - Name and Shame Initiative
Well as a witness they already get their 10% of the split you want me to build them a temple since they buy ssds for the common good with no interest whatsoever in further filling their pockets. You really are an angel, the angel of Steemit.
All seriously they are already being rewarded more than generously. Also SSDS are becoming cheaper and cheaper, not the opposite.
You seem like a smart guy, you should know better your steemcleaners are a futile intent to stop the unstopable. Without spam, 60% of all steemit traffic will simply vanish. If you really want to stop spam why dont you go after the spam accounts aka bots?
Perhaps because your only intention is not to stop spam but to bring more revenue to yourself. You know that spam is what keeps steemit alive. Anyway, sick of this platform after two weeks, only liers, and cheaters, no good content at all. Anything here can be found anywhere else.
Anyone with a little of common sense would realize what's going on. Here we have a culture that encourages and rewards cheating. Yes, bots are cheating and anyone with the time to open several accounts can build a bot army with basic coding knowledge. Add a few thousand dollars of steem power and we have a whale in no time. Depending on your time and financial situation may be worth it. Not for me, thank god I have better things in life
Would be surprised if it grows more as it seems from now on is downfall. Good luck since it seems you are really invested in this. This was a good experiment but it's going nowhere not because deep flaws in the system but because of the people at the top who made what could have been a great platform a scamit. I assure you if more people knew what really goes on here, this platform would crash and burn very quickly
Again: why don't you leave steemit then? There seems to be no reason for staying. At least for you. You can be happy that you didn't fall for it and leave us alone burning our investments into steem.