After a brief reprieve, we're back to your regularly scheduled steemit abuse...

in #abuse7 years ago

@scarlet7 @drakos I guess the truce didn't hold, because haejin is getting downvoted into oblivion again by randowhale. And then this character pops up:

A brand-new zero-day-old account with 2,500 SP? Now who is "raping" the reward pool?

Who is upvoting these worthless, scatological, racist posts? The usual suspects (spoiler for when the images are removed from this post for low ratings: it's randowhale)

What kind of insightful commentary is the steemit community gaining from this piece of "poo"? Just infinite spam:

Until the community can find some way to keep whales from abusing the platform for their own gain, there is no future for steemit. Users like this are the reason why the price of STEEM is in the toilet.

For all the positivity I see on here about "lifting each other up," seeing things like this over and over brings me back to reality and illustrates some fundamental flaws of the steemit platform.


I think @dan's suggestion of community voting should be able to strip these people of their power, though not their actual coinage. Nonlinear rewards would also help dampen their effects.

Thanks for exposing abuser's account.
I will help to spread this post
Resteemed and 100% upvoted

Iam sorry to hear this. But from what I have heard even though there is abuse by whales there are many other powerful people here who will make sure Steemit does moves forward. I am still learning about Steemit but it seems to me as with most things in life you see Abuse and people taking advantage of the situation. Pretty much been that way since the dawn of man. But people have overcome, and I am sure once again they will overcome here in this case :) As some have aptly put...been there,done that, seen that ;)

They are just really annoying ...

Yes, thank god for the mute button...

i don't know everything is going bad, bitcoin crashed, downvoting is started by haejin and someothers, what's going on??

Hey @mazharnoor,
I here you brother. But remember Life itself is full of peaks and valleys. We will weather this out . No need for any panic :)

I don't mind him actually, so he bought 2,500 SP and got upvotes from bernie (most likely a bernie bot tbh) what he is doing is downvoting everyone.

I don't have a problem with bernie creating yet another bot with 2,500 SP nor with downvoting per se, but how do you excuse bernie's spam, racism, and self-upvoting his own shitposting?

Even if you can somehow ignore the negative impacts that spam and racism have on steemit, this makes him a gigantic hypocrite as shitposts are exactly what he claims to be crusading against. Clearly, there is no moral crusade here; his actions prove that he's merely a greedy troll with a bad attitude.

Apparently it isn't a bernie bot, just something bernie liked

I agree it seems he is only jealous that someone else has muscled in on his game... If he was true to his words he would be suggesting improvements, but he gets kicks from his stamping on people with comments like "I'll destroy your rep and make you invisible! Watch me!" oh... And I do disagree with multiple accounts run by bots. You tube, IMDB devote good effort to cleaning their servers of such abuse as they know it damages their platform.

I'd spotted the spam but hadn't looked further. Another blatant example of abuse within the system. The system needs changing. The original idea and the basic concepts of steemit needs updating as the reality of what works and what doesn't becomes apparent. Only poor Generals stick to a war plan and don't update the battle plan as events emerge.

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