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RE: Thousands of dollars in rewards recovered to the reward pool.

in #abuse7 years ago

why use bots? i thought seemit was all about original content, creating communities...this way its all artificial...
just saying...


It's pure greed man. Nothing about curation, just whales liking other whales posts regardless of content value. You will see fights like this all the time between the power players. Steemit should be about content first. These types of behaviours damage the whole community and destroy the credibility of the platform

My thoughts exactly. Glad to be on the same page.

Let's keep steemit clean. It is healthier this way...otherwise it will soon be transformed into something very dirty and common.

At risk of being flagged (yes they will try to silence your voice if they do not like what you say) all these bots that are cheating the system should be banned. The rules should be: One account per user and no bots so we can have a solid community. I literally have posts with hundredths of likes and comments that barely made a few cents. On the other hand, you see these so-called whales get hundreds of dollars with significant fewer likes. It doesn't make any sense. They are just damaging the platform and if you think about it, they make it unsustainable in the long run. Because obviously they are taking all the money and leave nothing to new users. Thus new users have no incentive to keep blogging since their post will get no money regardless of the number of likes they get. I hope these problems can get fixed because I really like Steemit

New slogan: Ban the bots!

I understand bots do useful things. And that bots aren't the core problem. But would it be so bad to ban bots? Then you can hire people to do the work themselves. Actual people. And maybe whales will hire minnows to do the work, giving minnows a way to make SBD and earn a greater stake in the platform.

What if all the bot owners power down, and there is no one to fund all this content?

Nobody can predict. Maybe influx of new users? Maybe drop in price of steem that allows others to buy more? Maybe steemit's brand value goes up, encouraging more people to use it? So many variables.

The problem is perceived unfair distribution of upvotes, leading to new users getting frustrated or simply dropping out. The goal is to keep whales and technically-savvy people from manipulating the system to their advantage. The intended result is a Steemit where rewards are distributed based on how much users like what authors post. Bots have value, certainly, but they also contribute to our problem, undermine our goals, and prevent us from getting the result we want. So, I’m advocating Steemit acknowledge this, accept a hard and risky decision to ban the bots, and hope that by staying true to the values we share and committing to the goals we share, Steemit will be better off for us having done so.

Who decided that is the goal? Why did they decide that is the goal.

I know you could read that in a snarky tone, but it wasn't meant to come across that way. Are you sure this vision is the accepted community vision? I don't see it that way, but that doesn't make me right and you wrong.

The vast majority of the community are in favor of getting rid of the bots. The only people who want to keep the status quo are the whales as Steemit has become their revenue generation cash cow. The basic principle of blockchain technology is to give power to the people. Therefore, I advocate to "BAN THE BOTS FROM STEEMIT"

Great Idea! Ban the bots. No more bots in Steemit!

My response to @whatsup in a side-chain of this thread. It got cut off, so I'm posting here. @whatsup said:

What if all the bot owners power down, and there is no one to fund all this content?

Here's my reply:

Nobody can predict. Maybe influx of new users? Maybe drop in price of steem that allows others to buy more? Maybe steemit's brand value goes up, encouraging more people to use it? So many variables.

The problem is perceived unfair distribution of upvotes, leading to new users getting frustrated or simply dropping out. The goal is to keep whales and technically-savvy people from manipulating the system to their advantage. The intended result is a Steemit where rewards are distributed based on how much users like what authors post. Bots have value, certainly, but they also contribute to our problem, undermine our goals, and prevent us from getting the result we want. So, I’m advocating Steemit acknowledge this, accept a hard and risky decision to ban the bots, and hope that by staying true to the values we share and committing to the goals we share, Steemit will be better off for us having done so.

They are taking away from post promotion too. Post promotion burns money to increase the price, but bid bots lowers the price by squirreling it away for itself.

Entiendo algo de ingles pero me quedo claro. Estas totalmente en lo cierto.

Couldn't agree more with you! Hope the rest of us stays true to ourselves. This platform is way much bigger than that..

That's why I am posting only my own work. As @stevekelly mentioned, it will not be sustainable on the long run with bots and those votes "enhancers" (me too I am puzzled when I see a post with 2-5 votes and over 30USD...)

I made a breakdown of how these bots work in my blog, check it out, also there is a new voting solution where you need to pass a quality test to avoid voting on spammers. Check smartsteem and the bots article. I agree with both of you though I feel forced to use them to avoid getting behind :(

I wrote an article about these bots. Some of them are really making millions for their creators. You can find the article here

Thanks it summons up very well the essence of our discussion here!

I Agree, I mean am new to the comunity and I made quite some effort to make possible my last post, and it hardly gets an visit. Anyhow am patient and I will keep up.

I going to be really really honest here, because we think that the bots will help us to gain more attention with more upvotes so we can be featured in trending. If there are no bots, i i would not use it. But its actually like a gamble, out of 10 times only 4 pay out well. including the big ones like postpromoter or sneaky-ninja

Such a sweet kid @meonline. Bless his heart.

why use bots? i thought seemit was all about original content, creating communities...this way its all artificial

lol seemit?

The typo was probably a subconscious alteration.

Seems it yeah. Seems that your belief is right. Until you open your eyes.

That's just another proof I am not a bot :) :)
Mistakes makes us human, lol


I used to feel the same way, and in a sense I still do. When I joined SteemIt in October of 2016, things were different. You didn't need to use bots. If you put out great content, you got recognized accordingly, for the most part.

Unfortunately, things have changed drastically, and it's simply not enough to put out good content. If you are a new user, or even a pro, for that matter, if you want any recoginition at all (which you deserve if you put out good content), then you need to use bots.

Sad. For example I have here one comment with 51 voted worth of...2.8usd. one can get dissatisfied and quit very soon. Luckily I am here only for the fun of it, but "something" is definitely wrong here....

I agree. I'm here for the fun of it, too, but when you work on a piece for 3 hours and make less than $1 and then someone else comes along and reposts a meme they found on Facebook and makes $300, it gets a little less fun.

Soo true. Upvoted you brother!

I disagree. You can form relationships on the chat of others post. (like this one) People see that you are a real user and like reading your comments so they go to your blog and see your content. they than follow you and upvote your posts. This is a slower way to grow but it is more sustainable.

Agreed. I heard all about the bots and decided to try one. I used 3 bots on 1 of my posts just to see what it would do. And in all honesty I prefer the slower "real" method. Yes the bot gave it a very small almost nothing to be spoken about upvote but it was not sustainable. The difference is using the bots you have to "pay" for the upvote on each post. When people truly follow you and they read your content they give you their true upvote. This is based on YOUR content and it is real. Which means they will come back and read more of your content and form a true following and most of the time (you should not except every post will be liked by every follower) they will upvote your post. Not only is this the real way to grow it is better. As you get bigger on the platform your follower gets bigger as well. The bigger they are the more their votes are worth. So that .02 vote now can be worth a hue amount in 6 months. The bots are dead end and if you stop paying for the vote they stop voting. Do as you wish but keep this in mind before you use a bot.

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