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RE: Open letter to @Ranchorelaxo and @Haejin.

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)
  1. since when is posting content a bad thing on steemit. Nobody should be accused for posting too much content. Posting content is bringing value to steem.

  2. the content of Haejin may not be valuable to you but is to others. Clearly u can see this buy checking his upvotes and views, twitter followers etc.

  3. if the upvotes Haejin receives would be a bad thing or abuse all of steems design is flawed. The point of the platform is to post content and get rewarded.

  4. flagging trolling of content that is valuable directly destroys value of steem and keeps users from joining the platform. I have had many people come to me and ask why haejin gets attached like this and how this makes any sense. These people are generally disgusted with steem and dont understand how something like this is possible, as it would get censored on other platforms.

  5. most importantly who gives anyone the right to say what kind of content is ok to post and what not. This sort of „i am the god of steem and only i know what is good content“ is shit u can do if ur a dictator or owner of propaganda platform. Since when has steem become just that.

  6. show me just one guy that brings as much users to steem as haejin?! Show me one other account that has this much consistent content every fucking day nomather what? We should be glad some users are posting this consistently on here and giving users a reason to check in several times a day.

  7. of accusing others of greed u should look at your own fucking jalousy. Why dont you produce 10 quality post per day plus videos and try to be as succesful as Haejin.

  8. as an investor everyone attacking haejin or trolling him are destroying my value and as a user my experience of reading his content.


Exactly dude! Why are all of these people bitching about people trying to make money on here? Are they just jealous because some people are successful and they aren't? What a bunch of socialist bitches on here.

Do you see people IRL behaving any differently?

I don't get why they don't learn from him?... if they would post useful content consistently rather than spending their time down voting and complaining the platform would be much better. All the consistent content providers seem to get rewarded by followers and up votes... that's how it's suppose to work.

Amen! The only thing I have add is that you can't just go and say the new MCU or Star Wars movie is taking too much of the audience and the other movies don't get enough of an audience. I actually remember a scene from Atlas Shrugged where the amount of copies of books you can produce getting a government mandated cap so that all writers have can sell their books and nobody buys too many copies of a book. This is ridiculous and anti Laissez-faire.

Even 50 Shades of Grey deserves to keep its ridiculous sales as long as it is voluntarily given by people. It's nothing more than a glorified Xhamster story that went way too long. But as long as NAP isn't broken, I support the right of the writer to earn the rewards for her garbage.

And finally....... @haejin is nowhere near garbage.

his TA is pretty garbage. IMO he's abusing the rewards pool.

I'll just tell you what I've experienced. I don't keep tabs. I've been one of the early followers and I've made some very good profits based on his calls. For about 10 of his posts there are 1-2 bombs that miss about 1 that's practically out of a crystal ball where the charts play out exactly as he predicted without any significant deviations and the rest are just helpful.

I should say that I pre-select the coins that interest me and don't even read 1/3 of his posts. But I've found the ones I've read to be valuable.

IMO he's abusing the rewards pool.

That's something for the Steemit.Inc They should implement something like a dynamic cap on payouts based on several factors/ diminishing payouts after X posts per day etc. Blame the game not the player. He's at least producing content unlike Grumpy and BS accounts which abused the reward pool with content that are not even 5 words long.

Educating the people who up-vote on his posts is a better way of fighting the perceived injustice.

That's exactly what we need. We also need to do protocol level upgrades to make things better instead of pointing fingers and starting wars.

I am very new to Steemit. But what @knircky says here rings true to me. The response to allegedly manipulative content should be to expose it, not censor it. @transisto's open letter admits that he/she flags posts that he/she disagrees with or disapproves of. That violates the etiquette guidelines that I just read yesterday, doesn't it?

My own views are quite politically incorrect. If I am going to be flagged by people just for sincerely speaking my mind, just because they want to silence my point of view, and if the Steemit community is ok with that kind of censorship and mob thinking, then maybe I'll have to keep looking for a place where diversity of thought is really valued and, not just tolerated, but cherished.

Downvotes are just as important to steem as upvotes. He isn't saying that he is the"god of steemit" he is simply voting how he wants. If you don't agree, why are you the god of steemit? You upvote and downvote how you choose and transisto will upvote and downvote how he chooses.

Too many people are all too happy to accept upvotes but get all bent out of shape about downvotes. Haejin has a huge whale voting on all his posts and I don't hear him complaining about that. But when a different whale disagrees and downvotes, he throws a temper tantrum.

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