I stepped on @drakos' shit and he was FURIOUS!
After I flagged his retarded comment about "the climate change mob" because I disagree that hateful shit should get any reward (https://steemit.com/threespeak/@drakos/pyimy6)...
...he got so butthurt he downvoted my #gaming post out of spite. (https://steemit.com/battle/@felipejoys/finally-got-the-2d-cyberpunk-game-called-dex-and-it-s-awesome)
Die in a fire, @drakos, you fucking steem cancer.
“Die in a fire”? That’s how you respond to a retaliation downvote? Geez man. I was auto downvoted by Bernie for months because he didn’t like me (had nothing to do with my content which he told me he didn’t read). The irony is he recently voted for me as a witness (?). Freaking out about downvotes and starting voting campaigns to get a witness removed makes no sense to me. Some people respond irrationally to being downvoted by downvoting back. I think that’s silly. Letting that get you even more upset is also silly. You give power over to others to control your emotional responses when you do that. Take the power back and get rid of any triggers you may have and then you are in control.
No, that's wrong. He shouldn't be a top 20 witness if that's how he usually behaves. It is my opinion and I stand by it. That's why I'm shining some spotlight on his attitude and how that makes you clearly a better option than he is... The fact you disagree with the way I've dealt with it along with not agreeing with his attitude proves the point I'm making here.
Also, I don't think telling him to "die in a fire” is a worse attitude than downvoting me out of spite. Specially since he won't actually die in a fire just because I told him to.
That and I don't mind saying it since I don't even think he would actually be offended. Spiteful fuckers like him only feel frustrated when they think their fragile little balls have been stepped on. I never say that to anyone but the retarded spiteful shitheads.
you set the events in play when you downvoted his comment. Yeah, he was being a bit spiteful when he downvoted your post. Your post hasn't done badly though which makes this post very spiteful. I agree with @lukestokes, you need to just move on.
@drakos has done a lot of good on the platform. I don't agree with his views on the topic in question. He and I had a civil conversation about the matter. A post like this is not needed and says more about you than him.
A top 20 witness giving out spiteful downvotes.
Like that post's contents has had anything to do with this. The only reason he chose that post was because it was the only post with a payout big enough to get fully affected by his 100% downvote.
Oh yeah, he's getting manhandled by the events I set into play, right? That's his cowardly way out, right there. When you said that, right there and then, you proved I shouldn't care if you do or do not agree.
I don't care about what "impression" anyone gets about me. You wouldn't understand.
Whatever you think you have to do with this, you should move on. This post's date says it all: yesterday's news
Grow up kid. Wishing death onto others won't get your any further. I won't take kindly to that comment. Don't come crying after the consequences of this threat. Next time think before you open your mouth.
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