The Lincoln Debate the Washington Post's theory on Abraham Lincoln and Marx they attempt to pass off as fact. Why is it okay for mainstream media, but not common people to have theories? You know WHY! Who controls the media?

in #abrahamlincoln4 years ago (edited)

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This comes from a friendly debate I had with someone who I am Very Glad brought this to my attention. Many think there is basis for those pushing this theory, but I personally see all kinds of holes and tells in the messaging.

It started with a poster stating the following. . .

"History is one of the 1st things that the left attacks and tries to change. Especially mega corporations and WWII Germany because they don’t want to pay out €€€€ for their involvement with NAZIS.
Sadly you probably don’t want to know how far back Marxism goes in USA. All the way to Lincoln and the 48ers who came from Germany. It’s scary how much both sides have been infiltrated by that garbage."

Now I don't doubt that both sides Are Played, keep in mind, but I still feel we have to look at the Big Picture and personal character of a person over all, not Just party and friendships.

My response, as you would expect it is involved.

I have seen parts of this floating around and people referencing this site. I do not have a problem with the site as they have dropped a lot of truth. I will take another look.

I have to say. . .the fact that a divided Union would have benefited the globalist and the Mother land. ..always gives me pause. .The question will Always be. . .Why did the globalists have him taken out if he wasn't a threat?

The other question Becomes IS Time Travel possible? Is time what people think it is or does God work outside of our time. I don't mean to be so Twilight Zone about this. . .just. . . there is evidence inside of time and Outside of time showing those who took Lincoln out came from the very same group, who wanted JFK out of the way as he and Lincoln were thwarting them.

I am not for one moment suggesting any of these people were perfect. . .as everyone has their challenges on their journey, but there is still evidence of going up against evil. I do feel it is rather telling people like this are taken out.

The Rothschild family had already established Great Deal of control by the time Lincoln was in power. He did nothing but try to Thwart them. Didn't sit well with the Establishment.

According to NPS a gov site. .."That November, Lincoln was elected as the first avowedly anti-slavery president of the United States, and Southerners convinced themselves that he intended, like Brown, to abolish slavery by force. Eleven of the fifteen slave-holding states announced their secession from the Union to form a new slave republic, the Confederate States of America, and civil war between the rebels and the federal government broke out."

They Believed there was a Federal Government. The British Also believed and wanted nothing more than to have the United States divided. Division as you know is Always their game. . .divide and conquer.

That being said, I genuinely will read the link you dropped.

I read the article and this is what I found then responded with the following. ..

The writer of the WaPo article this author sources so he can write his book. . .is basing his statements on assumption rather than fact.

If you're like me (stated the person's name) .. you have a slew of friends who don't believe as you do. We all agree to disagree and go on. Doesn't stop us from being friends. It's seeing the person beyond the belief system we may not agree on. The same goes for those who Do have a similar belief system as we do. For many, there will never be a single soul that agrees 100% with all each of us believes. I feel God intended that as we each, who seek Him have a different personal relationship with Him than someone else does. I feel it is part of the journey God intended for each of us to see beyond to the soul of the person. Now I get, that we are not and should not Support harm done to people. So as far as the War Machine. . .the country was already divided when Lincoln came on the scene.
Article states,
Under Dana and Greely’s watch, the Tribune published almost 500 articles by Marx, and since Lincoln was an “avid reader” of the Tribune, Brockell assures us that “it’s nearly guaranteed that… Lincoln was reading Marx.”

The WaPo article states. ..

"Lincoln was also close to Charles A. Dana, managing editor for the Tribune and a close friend of Marx. During the Civil War, Dana worked as Lincoln’s “eyes and ears in the War Department,” and the president would wait “eagerly” for his dispatches. Under Dana and Greely’s watch, the Tribune published almost 500 articles by Marx, and since Lincoln was an “avid reader” of the Tribune, Brockell assures us that “it’s nearly guaranteed that… Lincoln was reading Marx.”

That is a Huge Leap. Actually even if he did. we all read opposing views. . .who can Guarantee Lincoln was in agreement with them?

So Greely, and Dana were into Karl Marx, but what does this have to do with Lincoln being “into Karl Marx”?
If friendship with socialists makes you a socialist, that means almost every single conservative on college campuses today would be “into Marx.” I should be into Karl Marx because the professors I worked with at the University were into him, but I am NOT. I still respect the good my friends did, but saw first hand the Agenda they were pushing and I Didn't just stand for it. . .I left.

So I feel that just because Lincoln was claimed to be an avid reader of the Tribune. . . doesn't make him a socialist.

No one knows for sure he read them and I know for a fact reading the Talmud and other ancient writings do not make me a Bible hater. We are all allowed to read and disCern for ourselves.

The other important point to consider is. . .just because these people think that hobnobbing with Marx makes him a Marxists. . .means they haven't read Sun Tzu's The Art of War. There is a principle in there that people like Lincoln followed..."Keep your friends close and your enemies Closer!"

I didn't see the WaPo article nor the writer of the the LewRockwell article, who is promoting his book mention that as another option. Perhaps they have never read it.

As Lincoln was in the military and an attorney. . .The Art of War has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy.

According to Abraham Lincoln A Life,

Lincoln was only 23 years old when he served in the Illinois state militia. At the time, the colonizing United States government was having trouble with the not-wanting-to-be-genocided Sauk, Fox, and Kickapoo tribes, under the leadership of Black Hawk, for whom the Black Hawk War is named. Lincoln never saw combat during his three tours of duty, but he did see a fair share of conflict within the militia in which he served.

The future president was elected to command his company of soldiers. He was pretty proud of that, according to Abraham Lincoln: A Life – the appointment was "a success that gave me more pleasure than any I have had since."

The contention between Lincoln and his men wasn't always a bad thing. On occasion, it was proof of the more noble parts of Lincoln's character. At one point, a hungry, impoverished indigenous man walked into the military looking for work and carrying a recommendation from General Lewis Cass, according to Library of Congress records.

Lincoln's men thought the Native was a spy and wanted to kill him. They called Lincoln a coward for defending the man, but Lincoln wasn't having it. "If any man thinks I am a coward, let him test it!" Lincoln replied. The men cried that Lincoln was too big for them to take on, so he offered them to pick up a weapon to even things out. Nobody picked up a weapon.

The Black Hawk war didn't last very long — April-August 1832 — but somehow Lincoln managed to serve three tours.

According to National Guard.MIL News,
In addition to serving as a private, Lincoln was also elected commander of his company. During this period, many militia companies elected their officers.

Brockell of the WaPo article also cites a perfunctory correspondence between Lincoln and Marx to prove Lincoln’s supposed sympathy for socialism.

"In January 1865, Marx wrote to Lincoln on behalf of the International Workingmen’s Association, a “group for socialists, communists, anarchists and trade unions,” to “congratulate the American people upon reelection.”

A few weeks later, U.S. Ambassador to Britain Charles Francis Adams wrote back to Marx, saying that Lincoln accepted his message “with a sincere and anxious desire that he may be able to prove himself not unworthy of the confidence which has been recently extended to him…by so many of the friends of humanity and progress throughout the world.”

So a short congratulatory letter from Marx and a routine diplomatic response from an American ambassador is what is used for this theory's proof that Lincoln and Marx were “friendly and influenced each other”?

Brockell does concede that Lincoln was “not a socialist, nor communist, nor Marxist”—which is kind of her to do after spending half the article of trying to make the case that the one who freed the slaves was a sympathizer with socialists, sympathetic to their cause, and best buds with Karl Marx and Co.

You see. . .the globalist followers can't get rid of that Verified Fact. ..which puts a target on Lincoln's back for them to attempt to throw as much shade as possible on him. They STILL hate him. . .he defied ALL they stood for.

As the National Guard put it. ..

ARLINGTON, Va. - Feb. 12, 1809, is the birth date of Abraham Lincoln, the man who gets the most votes from historians and political scientists as the greatest U.S. president.

A few decades after Lincoln's humble birth in a one-room Kentucky log cabin, upper-class presidential candidates who had been born in imposing brick plantations would try to claim the log cabin as their birthright.

But "Honest Abe" was the real thing, a self-educated man of the people, who rose to greatness guiding the country through the long and bloody Civil War, which marked his presidency.

All of That being said. .. you will Always be my friend and you and your family are in my prayers. We all need to be able to have a discussion about opposing beliefs and be Okay with agreeing do disagree! All of you are Very Important. Thank you for taking the time to show this to me.

Now let's take a Direct Look at the article the Washington Post which has had John Podesta. . .here is the art work from his brother Tony and some art from an artist they both collect from and have praised.

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Jeffrey Dahmer look alike pose much?

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To see more if not familiar go here then see connecting articles in More Sources below,

See some of the artwork inside of here,

How we Know they have something to hide. . .

More Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports

See more in this next article pinned here,

More of the artwork from an artist the Podesta brothers collected from in here,

The Washington Post article, written by Gillian Brockell wrote on President Lincoln's State of the Union to the House and Senate,

“Labor is prior to and independent of capital,” the country’s 16th president said. “Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

She credited the influence of Karl Marx without evidence in my humble opinion.

She stated the following on Republican Ideals,

"And what were those ideals and ideas? They were anti-slavery, pro-worker and sometimes overtly socialist, according to John Nichols, author of the book “The ‘S’ Word: A Short History of an American Tradition … Socialism.” The New York Tribune championed the redistribution of land in the American West to the poor and the emancipation of slaves."

So based on John Nichols book and Opinion, not fact.

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