Abraham-Hicks, Can I deliberately attract a specific lover?
Guest: So if I want something or someone to be Out of my experience, do i simply have to stop thinking about it?
Abraham-Hicks : Deactivate it from your vibration. Stop thinking about something sounds simple. Think about something else. Or, find the other end of the stick… Why would you want to stop thinking about it? – coz it doesn’t feel good… So i want to feel good… so i’m reaching for things that feel good. of course all this sounds simplistic. But the answer to your question is.. yes. absolutely yes. all you have to do is don’t keep active in your vibration, those things you don’t want to experience.
There’s a tendency to get fixated on something that’s bothering you… and then just want to wrestle it to the ground and kill it. but, it never dies. it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger… and Finally, you just have to Let it Go… by finding something else. Yes. Something else better-feeling.
Guest : yes. and you’re so right when you say ‘when you finally give up, it just comes to you’..
Abe : Because you haven’t given up on the desire. You’ve just given up on the awareness that what you want hasn’t come. So you’re giving up on its absence; you’re giving up on it’s resistance. And when you de-activate the absence and deactivate the resistance, then the presence of it must be there.
Guest: But when it finally comes, i feel like i’ve moved to another place, and i no longer want it. So now..?
Abe : Now, you no longer want it in its incomplete form. There’s still a large part of it that’s in your Vortex. It’s just moved on. That’s why yesterday, we had this wonderful conversation about ‘keeping up’.
Because… it will keep moving; you will keep expanding; and clarifying, and asking, and being alive.
Guest: You keep talking about how people want a lover in their life. Is it just about the concept of having a lover? Or can you have A specific lover? Like if you focus on a specific person, can you attract that person?
Abe : You can. You can. But it’s got to do with how much you believe about being able to attract that specific person. It’s like anytime you define the prize.. and if there’s only ONE prize, then you limit. You limit the ability to fulfill what you really want… Whereas if you use that one prize as the Essence of what you want, so that you keep active in your vibration the Essence of what you’re reaching for, then the Universe can discover and reveal to you the lover that you are REALLY asking for. and it might be ‘that one’. It’s got to do with how much you believe. In other words, you want something but you don’t believe you can have it, then your energy is split, and it slows everything down.
So, anything to increase your Believability, that’s what our decision all day has been about – getting general, getting general, getting general, getting general.
“I want that one, and that one isn’t coming” – no movement.
If you say “I want one LIKE that one” – less resistance.
If you say “I like this about that one, and this about that one, and this about that one” and “There must be plenty who have those combinations” – now there’s less resistance still.
And so now that you move yourself into less resistance, so that you believe unequivocally, that you can have the absolute essence of that which ‘that one’ has helped you to define, a lot of times ‘that one’ comes. because that’s the one who caused you to put all the pieces over there. But, whether ‘that one’ comes or not, what shows up is ~ really good.
Guest: Is it possible for you to give me a glimpse into my Vortex?
Abe : Possible, but not likely. Because that’s sort of saying “If i could see it, i would believe it”, “i don’t think i will do the work.”