【Education Yourself】How to perform a Second Trimester Abortion
The second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion procedure explained by former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino. For the Pro-choice right there, have you ever watch the video or know how an abortion is performed?
Per the Abortion Procedures - A dilation (dilatation) and evacuation abortion, D&E, is a surgical abortion procedure during which an abortionist first dilates the woman’s cervix and then uses instruments to dismember and extract the baby from the uterus. The D&E abortion procedure is usually performed between thirteen and twenty-four weeks LMP (that is thirteen to twenty-four weeks after the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period).
See that yourself. I am not even talking about the original establishment of "Planned Parenthood".
I don't see why anyone would wait until the third trimester to have an abortion. As far as I know, the earlier you do it the easier it is, with less complications.
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